Nov. 09-13

  • This Week’s Happenings: 
  • Mon: Library 11:45-12:15 / **Remember library books!!
  • Thurs: Character Ed “I can’t control anyone else…but I can control MYSELF.”
  • Fri: Early Release 1:00
  • UPCOMING: Thanksgiving Break Nov. 23-27

Announcements:  We will begin building our dioramas in class on Tuesday, Nov. 10. Please send a box about the size of a shoe box with your child. Your child may also bring any supplies they would like to use to create their habitats for their animal.

Reading in Class

  • The essential question is: “What do we love about animals?
  • Comprehension Skill: Key details & Multiple Meaning Words
  • We will be focusing on 3-letter blends (scr, spr, str, thr, spl, shr) in our spelling words: scratch, scrape, spring, throne, stripe, strange, shred, shrub, splash, split. Review: catch, sting, far, flower, until.
  • Our Vocabulary words are: behave, flapping, express, feathers.
  • Math in Class
  • This Monday we will be taking our test on adding up to four 2-digit numbers ( 21 + 34 + 17 + 43). We will then begin our lesson on subtracting 2-digit numbers with and without regrouping.

Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

*Students are welcome to read their decodables from class. If they read it 3 times with you, please sign it and have them bring it back for class money. *
Please, please, please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal.