Feb. 07-11

  • This Week’s Happenings: 
  • Tue: Library Day – Remember Library Books!!.
  • Other Important Dates
  • Monday, Feb. 14 – Valentine Exchange, 27 students (see info below)
  • Monday, Feb. 21 – President’s Day – No School

Valentines Exchange: Students are welcome to exchange valentines on Monday, Feb. 14 . We have 27 students. NEW THIS YEAR!!!! BREAKING NEWS!!!!
We can have STORE bought treats this year in addition to any other prizes you want to attach to cards. Please note that such items, including Valentine cards, are in no way required. **To save on time, please have your child write their name near the “from”, and leave the “to” blank. This will make it so much easier to pass the cards out.**

Valentine boxes: Students are welcome to make a valentine box at home (no bigger than a shoe/tissue box size). Please do not bring it until Feb. 14. I will provide bags to students who would rather not make a box at home.

Reading in Class

Math in Class:

We are using the strategies that we have learned to solve one-step and two-step word problems with 2-digit numbers.

Reading Passages (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal.  Your child should be bringing home 2 decodables each Friday in their yellow folders. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. It is so important to read every day and ask fact finding questions from the story to develop your student’s comprehension; this is key to meeting the end of the year benchmark goals for 2nd grade.

Jan. 31 – Feb. 04

Because of Parent Teacher Conferences and a teacher work day on Friday, we will be reviewing this week and working on mastery. Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, with no school for the students on Friday. If you haven’t signed up for conferences, please see the signups on bloomz https://www.bloomz.com/. We have so much to talk about with your child. Also, please bring your child with you. Your child created a presentation during Computer Science that they would like to share with you during this time. If you need help signing up, please reach out to me by email ssnitker@questac.org and I would be happy to help.

  • This Week’s Happenings: 
  • Tuesday: Library Day – Remember Library Books!!
  • Wednesday & Thursday: Early out at 1:00 – Parent Teacher conferences
  • Friday – No School (Teacher Professional Development)
  • Other Important Date
  • Monday, Feb. 14 – Valentine Exchange, 27 students (see info below)
  • Monday, Feb. 21 – Presidents Day – No School

Reading Passages (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal.  Your child should be bringing home 2 decodable story pages each week. These stories can be read and returned for class money with a parent signature. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. It is so important to read every day and ask fact finding questions from the story to develop your students comprehension; this is key to meeting the end of the year benchmark goals for 2nd grade.

Valentines Exchange: Students are welcome to exchange valentines on Monday, Feb. 14 . We have 27 students. Please remember Quest’s wellness policy, all food in the classroom must be pre-approved. Due to this policy—as in years past—student Valentines cannot contain edible items. Suggestions for nonfood Valentines include pencils, erasers, bubbles, stickers, etc. Please note that such items, including Valentine cards, are in no way required. **To save on time, please have your child write their name near the “from”, and leave the “to” blank. This will make it so much easier to pass the cards out.**

Valentine boxes: Students are welcome to make a valentine box at home (no bigger than a shoe/tissue box size). Please do not bring it until Feb. 14. I will provide bags to students who would rather not make a box at home.

Jan. 24-28

  • This Week’s Happenings: 
  • Tue: Library Day – Remember Library Books!!
  • Fri: $1 Dress down. Early Release @1:00.
  • Other Important Dates
  • Feb. 2 & 3 – Early out (Parent Teacher Conferences, please sign up on bloomz)
  • Feb. 4 – No School (Teacher Professional Development)
  • Monday, Feb. 14 – Valentine Exchange, 27 students (more info to come)

Please sign up for parent teacher conferences on bloomz. I would love to meet with every students’ parents to go over their progress and their goals. Here is the link to bloomz.https://www.bloomz.com/. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Reading in Class

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Math in Class:

We are using the strategies that we have learned to solve one-step word problems with 2-digit numbers.

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Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal.  Your child should be bringing home 2 decodables each Friday in their yellow folders. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *Don’t forget to fill out the January reading log as you go.

Jan. 17 – 21

  • This Week’s Happenings: 
  • Jan. 17 – No School (Martin Luther King Jr.)
  • Tue: Library Day – Remember Library Books!!
  • Fri: Spirit Shirts. Early Release @1:00.
  • Other Important Dates
  • Feb. 2 & 3 – Early out (Parent Teacher Conferences, more info. to come)
  • Feb. 4 – No School (Teacher Professional Development)

Sign ups for parent teacher conferences are posted on bloomz. I would love to meet with every students’ parents to go over their progress and their goals. Here is the link to bloomz. https://www.bloomz.com/. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Reading in Class

Math in Class:

We are using the strategies that we have learned thus far and using them to add and subtract 3-digit numbers.

Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal.  Your child should be bringing home 2 decodables each Friday in their yellow folders. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *Don’t forget to fill out the January reading log as you go.

Jan. 10 – 14

  • This Week’s Happenings
  • Tue: Library Day – Remember Library Books!!
  • Fri: Spirit Shirts. Early Release @1:00.
  • Other Important Dates
  • Jan. 17 – No School (Martin Luther King Jr.)
  • Feb. 2 & 3 – Early out (Parent Teacher Conferences, more info. to come)
  • Feb. 4 – No School (Teacher Professional Development)

Reading in Class

  • The essential question is: “How do you express yourself?
  • Comprehension Strategy and Skill: Ask & answer questions to identify the main idea and key details of a story. *We will test this standard this week!
  • Phonics Skill – Words with Long u: u_e, ew, ue, u For example: cute, cube, fumes, music, unit, menu, few, pew, fuel, cues
  • High Frequency words: began, come, give
  • Our Vocabulary words are: cheered, concert, instrument, movements, music, rhythm, sounds, understand

Math in Class

We are learning how to subtract 3-digit numbers using different strategies. We will test this standard on Tuesday. We will have a week of spiral review before moving on to 1-step word problems.

After School Math Tutoring – After school tutoring is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00 – 3:30. This is by invitation only and I will contact you letting you know that I would like your child to attend.

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Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal.  Your child should be bringing home 2 decodables each Friday in their yellow folders. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *Don’t forget to fill out the January reading log as you go.

Jan. 03 – 07

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope everyone has had a wonderful and relaxing Winter Break. I’m excited to see your kiddos, and I am excited to get back into the swing of things. Now that we have all of the mid-year testing done, we are going to hit the floor running and master as much as we possibly can before the end of the year. Take a look at what we will be learning this week.

  • This Week’s Happenings
  • Tue: Library Day – Remember Library Books!!
  • Fri: Spirit Shirts. Early Release @1:00.
  • Other Important Dates
  • Jan. 17 – No School (Martin Luther King Jr.)
  • Feb. 2 & 3 – Early out (Parent Teacher Conferences, more info. to come)
  • Feb. 4 – No School (Teacher Professional Development)

Reading in Class

  • The essential question is: “How does weather affect us?
  • Comprehension Strategy and Skill: Ask & answer questions to identify the main idea and key details of a story.
  • Phonics Skill – Words with long  e: e, ea, ie, y, ey, e_e. For example: we, bee, need, queen, mean, leaf, thief, chief, pony, keys
  • High Frequency words: after, every, special
  • Our Vocabulary words are: damage, dangerous, destroy, event, harsh, prevent, warning, weather

Math in Class

We are learning how to subtract 3-digit numbers using different strategies.

After School Math Tutoring – After school tutoring is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00 – 3:30. This is by invitation only and I will contact you letting you know that I would like your child to attend.

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Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal.  Your child should be bringing home 2 decodables each Friday in their yellow folders. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *Don’t forget to fill out the December reading log as you go.

Dec. 13-17

Happy Last Week of School Before Winter Break (but who’s counting? 🙂 ). Our class has a lot of things to wrap up before we leave for break. The big thing that we will finish up is our middle of year testing. All of this needs to be completed before we leave for break, so please make sure that your child is here everyday.

  • This Week’s Happenings: 
  • Tue: Library Day – Remember Library Books!!
  • Fri: Dollar Dress Down. Holidays Around the World. Early Release @1:00.
  • Other Important Dates
  • Dec. 20th – Jan. 2nd: Winter Break

Holiday Around the World Party: We will be learning about different countries and how they celebrate the holidays during this time of year. I already have a food permission slip signed for the food we will be having, but if something has changed since the beginning of the year please let me know. We will be rotating to the other second grade classrooms. I am in need of 2-3 volunteers just to help the students make their craft in our classroom. I will post a volunteer list on bloomz.

Reading in Class

  • The essential question is: “How can people help out their community?
  • Comprehension Strategy and Skill: Ask & answer questions to identify the author’s purpose. **We will be testing this skill on Thursday.
  • Phonics Skill – Words with long  o: o, oa, ow, oe. For example: told, most, float, coat, toast, grow, mow, show, Joe, toe
  • High Frequency words: only, our, who
  • Our Vocabulary words are: across, borrow, countryside, idea, insists, lonely, solution, villages

Math in Class

We are learning how to subtract 2-digit numbers using different strategies. We will be testing this Thursday.

After School Math Tutoring – After school tutoring is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00 – 3:30. This is by invitation only and I will contact you letting you know that I would like your child to attend.

Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal.  Your child should be bringing home 2 decodables each Friday in their yellow folders. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *Don’t forget to fill out the December reading log as you go.

Dec. 06 – 10

Hello! We have a lot going on the next two weeks. The big ones are Middle of Year Reading and Math testing that will starting on Monday. I can’t give you a specific day because they test by grades and I don’t know how fast they can get through the other grades before they come to us. It is so important that your child is here next week as much as possible! I would like them to get plenty of practice and review before their testing! Some helpful tips to help your child prepare is to make sure they get good sleep the night before and eat a good breakfast so that they feel ready for the day. Also, please make sure that you are still reading 20 minutes OUT LOUD with your child every night. This is going to be the best practice! I am so excited for them to show how much they have grown!

  • This Week’s Happenings: 
  • Monday-Wednesday: Presentations 2:20-2:45
  • Tue: Library Day – Remember Library Books!!
  • Fri: Wear spirit shirts. Early Release @1:00.
  • Other Important Dates
  • Dec. 20th – Jan. 2nd: Winter Break

Animal Presentations

Students will be presenting their animal presentations this week. We will start at 2:20 and end about 2:45 (they are only 2-3 minutes long). You are welcome to come watch. Here is the schedule of when you child will be presenting:

Monday: Everly, Adrian, Will, Tayden, Dakota, Bradley, Eva, Liam, Phoebe
Tuesday: Jase, Caleb, Katherine, Jack, Freya, Mark, Michael, Christina, Bodee
Wednesday: Bailey, Sam, Lexi, Zoey, Davian, Preslie, Abby, Lilly, Redd

Reading in Class

  • The essential question is: “What can we see in the sky?
  • Comprehension Strategy and Skill: Reread to understand the sequence of the story.
  • Phonics Skill – Words with long  ii, y, igh, ie. For example: light, sight, mind, cry, tie, high, wild, dry, try, lie
  • High Frequency words: begin, those, apart
  • Our Vocabulary words are: adventure, delighted, dreamed, enjoyed, grumbled, moonlight, neighbor, nighttime

Math in Class

We are learning how to add several 2-digit numbers together. We will be testing this Tuesday. For practice, ask your child to show you how they add four 2-digit numbers together. On Wednesday we will start learning strategies to subtract two 2-digit numbers.

After School Math Tutoring – After school tutoring is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00 – 3:30. This is by invitation only and I will contact you letting you know that I would like your child to attend.

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Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal.  Your child should be bringing home 2 decodables each Friday in their yellow folders. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *Don’t forget to fill out the December reading log as you go.

Nov. 29 – Dec. 03

  • This Week’s Happenings: 
  • Tue: Library Day – Remember Library Books!!
  • Fri: Angel Tree Dollar Dress Down Day. Early Release @1:00.
  • Other Important Dates
  • Dec. 1st – Yearbook Cover Contest Ends – See email that was sent from Admin for details
  • Dec. 4th – The 5th Annual Reindeer Run
  • Dec. 20th – Jan. 2nd – Winter Break

Announcements: I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break.

Reading in Class

  • The essential question is: “How do the earth’s forces affect us?
  • Comprehension Strategy and Skill: Reread to identify the author’s purpose
  • Phonics Skill – Words with long a, a, ay, ea, ei, ey. For example: nail, train, main, hay, stay, break, steak, weigh, sleigh, and prey
  • High Frequency words: good, often, two
  • Our Vocabulary words are: amazing, force, measure, objects, proved, speed, true, and weight

Math in Class

We are learning how to add several 2-digit numbers together. Please see the letter home for examples.

After School Math Tutoring – After school tutoring is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00 – 3:30. This is by invitation only and I will contact you letting you know that I would like your child to attend.

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Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal.  Your child should be bringing home 2 decodables each Friday in their yellow folders. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *Don’t forget to fill out the November reading log as you go.

Nov. 15-19

  • This Week’s Happenings: 
  • Tue: Library Day Remember Library Books!!
  • Fri: Spirit Shirts. Early Release @1:00.
  • Upcoming – Thanksgiving Break is next week – No school Nov. 22-26

Announcements: I will be out of town this week, but I have a wonderful teacher who is subbing for me. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving break next week. Please encourage your child to read over the break.

Reading in Class

  • The essential question is: “What do we love about animals?
  • Comprehension Strategy and Skill: Reread to identify key details
  • Phonics Skill – Words with 3 letter blends (scr, spr, thr, str, shr, spl) . For example: scratch, scrape, spring, throne, stripe, strange, shred, shrub, splash, split
  • High Frequency words: far, flower, until
  • Our Vocabulary words are: behave, flapping, express, and feathers

Math in Class

We are learning how to mentally add and subtract 10 and 100 to a 3-digit number. Please see the letter home for examples.

After School Math Tutoring – After school tutoring is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00 – 3:30. This is by invitation only and I will contact you letting you know that I would like your child to attend.

Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal.  Your child should be bringing home 2 decodables each Friday in their yellow folders. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *Don’t forget to fill out the November reading log as you go.