School is Finally here!


  • August 19th:   Back to School Night  6:00pm-8:00pm. Presentation will begin every 30 mins starting at 6:00. Last session is at 7:30.
  • August 21st-23rd:   First week of school! Short days all week-1:10 😉
  • August 28th: Picture Day
  • August 30th: Teacher Work Day – No School
  • Sept. 2nd: Labor Day – No School


I can’t wait to meet each of you this Monday! During Back to School Night you will have the opportunity to come to our classroom (Room 114) and learn more about our class and the upcoming school year. Presentations will begin every 30 minutes. (6:00, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30pm)


  1. Subscribe to our blog: Blog Subscription
  2.  Parents and students, please read through our class disclosure together and sign the form: Class Disclosure  – Class Disclosure e-Signature 
  3. Please fill this out so your child can participate in fun, food learning activities throughout the year:  Yearly Food Permission Slip
  4. SEL Survey Permission
  5. Please consider paying a donation of $30 here: Class Supply Donation,  mark “Donations-Class Supplies”, then select my name from the drop down menu. You can also pay in the Q1 Office. Please do so on or before Back to School Night and I will take care of all the shopping, labeling, and organizing of class supplies.

Additionally, students will need to bring the following items on the first day of school:

  • Headphones or earbuds–labeled with the student’s name. Parents will be responsible to replace broken or damaged headphones/earbuds throughout the year. We use headphones multiple times throughout the day in the classroom. Please try to find the highest-quality headphones possible. 
  • A backpack (standard-sized). Please do not purchase the smaller-sized backpacks, as your student will be frustrated at not being able to fit books and papers neatly inside.
  • Water bottle–Student may bring a small, closable water bottle with their name on it. Water Only! Water bottles help so much, because the student doesn’t have to leave the classroom just to get a drink.

School Breakfast/Lunch Costs

Aspire accounts are active now. Use your family’s account to apply for our free and reduced lunch programs. If you have questions regarding this, please contact the office. The follow chart is the breakdown of lunch/breakfast costs.

The breakfast and lunch menus can be found at the following link. Quest Academy’s Menu

Hello soon to be 2nd graders! I hope you all are having an awesome summer! I am excited to meet you in August! Here is some information that might be helpful until then.

Back to School Night will be held on Monday, August 19th

The First Day of School is Wednesday, August 21st. The first three days (August 21-23) are early out days with dismissal at 1:10 pm.

Here are a few things you can do now to prepare:

  1. Blog : Please subscribe to our class blog by clicking on the icon to the right and inputting your email address. (If you’re on a phone, it will be at the very bottom.)
  2.  Class Disclosure : Parents and students, please read through this together and sign the form Class Disclosure e-Signature 
  3.  Yearly Food Permission Slip : Please fill this out so your child can participate in fun, food learning activities throughout the year.
  4. Class supplies: Please consider paying a donation of $30 here: Online Payments,  mark “Donations-Class Supplies”, then select my name from the drop down menu. You can also pay in the Q1 Office. Please do so on or before Back to School Night and I will take care of all the shopping, labeling, and organizing of class supplies.

Additionally, students will need to bring the following items on the first day of school:

  • Headphones or earbuds–labeled with the student’s name. Parents will be responsible to replace broken or damaged headphones/earbuds throughout the year. We use headphones multiple times throughout the day in the classroom. Please try to find the highest-quality headphones possible. 
  • A backpack (standard-sized). Please do not purchase the smaller-sized backpacks, as your student will be frustrated at not being able to fit books and papers neatly inside.
  • Water bottle–Student may bring a small, closable water bottle with their name on it. Water Only! Water bottles help so much, because the student doesn’t have to leave the classroom just to get a drink.

May 20 – 24

  • Last Week of School
  • Monday – Reading Diagnostic (8:40 – 9:10) – Bring Backpacks
  • Tues. – Field TripMeet at the Front Runner by 8:00AM!Wear Red Shirts
  • Weds. – Field DayBring BackpacksReport Cards sent home (dress down)
  • Thurs. – Talent Show, Year Books, & Early release 1:10 (dress down)
  • Fri. – Last Day of SchoolEarly release 1:10 (dress down)
  • Field Trip – Wear red shirts -DON’T BE LATE Bring an Umbrella
  • Drop your student off at the Roy FrontRunner station by 8:00am. Teachers will be at the train station as early as 7:45am.
  • Our train leaves at 8:15am and we will be traveling to the Lehi Station.
  • We will return to the Roy FrontRunner station at 2:45pm. Students must be picked up from the FrontRunner station at 2:45pm.
  • The train ticket fees are included for everyone.

KEEP UP THE READING!!! Here are some summer reading programs available to the kiddo’s. They will also be able to login and work on i-ready math and reading until July 31st. More information on this will be sent home with their report cards on Wednesday.

Barnes and Noble Book Store

Utah State Fair – Read and Win–

Pizza Hut – Camp Book It

Weber County Library

Davis County Library

Thank you! Happy Summer Reading!!!

May 13 – 17

Parents – Thank you so much for the sweet cards and gifts for teacher appreciation week. It was very thoughtful. I have enjoyed this class so much. You have some amazing children. It is going to be really hard to say goodbye to them next week.

  • This Week – BRING A Small Flat rock For STEEM (size of your palm)
  • April/May reading logs due.
  • Monday-Weds: Math Diagnostic testing – 8:40am each morning
  • Friday: Spirit Shirts – Final class storeEarly Release 1:10
  • UPCOMING IMPORTANT DATESBring Backpacks May 20 & May 22!!
  • Tues., May 21 – Field Trip to The Ancient Life Museum
  • Weds., May 22 – Field Day (Dress Down)
  • Thurs., May 23 – Year Books & Early release 1:10
  • Fri., May 24 – Last Day of SchoolEarly release 1:10
  • Ancient Life Field Trip – Tuesday, May 21: Wear Red Uniform shirt
  • Drop your student off at the Roy Frontrunner station by 8:00am. Teachers will be at the train station as early as 7:45am.
  • Our train leaves at 8:15am and we will be traveling to the Lehi Station.
  • We will return to the Roy frontrunner station at 2:45pm. Students must be picked up from the FrontRunner station at 2:45pm.
  • The train ticket fees are included for everyone.

Reading in Class: We are learning how to use our imagination through reading poetry. PHONICS: We are learning how to identify the r-controlled syllable in words.

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Math in Class: We will be learning about odd and even numbers. Please see the family letter below and consider doing the activity.

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Reading Passages (optional, but highly encouraged!!) :

**The April / May coloring page reading logs can be turned in this week, and they will receive class money to spend at our final Class store on May 17.

May 6 – 10

  • This Week – BRING A Small Flat rock For STEEM
  • Tuesday: Library Day -All books are Due – no check outs
  • Thursday: Math testing (please do not check students out before 3:00!)
  • Friday: Spirit Shirts – Early Release 1:10
  • Week of May 13 – Math & Reading Diagnostic. April/May reading log due.
  • Friday, May 17. – Final class store
  • Tues., May 21 – Field Trip to The Ancient Life Museum – Please fill out the google form:
  • Weds., May 22 – Field Day (Dress Down)
  • Thurs., May 23 – Year Books & Early release 1:10
  • Fri., May 24 – Last Day of SchoolEarly release 1:10

Ancient Life Field Trip – May 21: Drop your student off at the Roy Frontrunner station by 8:00am. Teachers will be at the train station at 7:45am. Our train leaves at 8:15am and we will be traveling to the Lehi Station. We will return to the Roy frontrunner station at 2:45pm. Students must be picked up from the FrontRunner station at 2:45pm. The train ticket fees are included for everyone. We are allotted 6 paid chaperones per class. The fee for the exhibit is $6 for chaperones after our allotted fees. You would just need to pay the office the $6. If you can chaperone, we would be very grateful and appreciative!

Reading in Class: We are learning about myths through a drama. PHONICS: We are learning how to identify the vowel team syllable.

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Math in Class: We will be reviewing and preparing for our math acadience test, which is Thursday, May 9. Here are some things that might be covered on the test. Feel free to practice at home.

Reading Passages (optional, but highly encouraged!!) :

**Please read with your child. Your child should be reading 20 minutes a day, at least 5 times a week. Consider using the short stories that were sent home in the reading packet to read and reread. As your child reads each night, they can color in the picture. The April / May coloring page can be turned in the week of May 13, and they will receive class money to spend at our final Class store on May 17.

DECODABLE STORIES: Your child should be bringing home stories each Friday in their orange folders. Your child can read these stories and return them for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back.

April 29 – May 3

  • This Week
  • Tuesday: Library Day -Last Check out- Remember your books!!
  • Friday: Spirit Shirts – Early Release 1:10
  • Week of May 6 – Acadience Math & Reading TestsSmall Flat rock due.
  • May 7 – Tuesday – Last Library Day – ALL Books DUE!!
  • Week of May 13 – Math & Reading Diagnostic. April/May reading log due.
  • Friday, May 17. – Final class store
  • Tues., May 21 – Field Trip to The Dinosaur Museum – Please fill out the google form:
  • Weds., May 22 – Field Day
  • Fri., May 24 – Last Day of School

Ancient Life Field Trip – May 21: We have been granted a scholarship to attend a field trip to the Ancient Life Museum at Thanksgiving Point! We will be riding the Frontrunner and will need as many chaperones as we can get! Students must be at the train station at 8:00am. Teachers will be at the train station at 7:45am. Our train leaves at 8:15am and returns at 2:45pm from the Roy Frontrunner station. Students must be picked up from the FrontRunner station at 2:45pm. The train ticket fees are included for everyone. We are allotted 6 paid chaperones per class. The fee for the exhibit is $6 for chaperones after our allotted fees. You would just need to pay the office the $6. If you can chaperone we would be very grateful and appreciative!

Reading in Class: We are learning how to reread to understand the theme of a story. PHONICS: We are learning how to identify the consonant _le syllable.

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Math in Class: This week we will be learning how to add with arrays. Please see the family letter below and consider doing the activity with your child at home.

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Reading Passages (optional, but highly encouraged!!) :

**Please read with your child. Your child should be reading 20 minutes a day, at least 5 times a week. Consider using the short stories that were sent home in the reading packet to read and reread. As your child reads each night, they can color in the picture. The April / May coloring page can be turned in the week of May 13, and they will receive class money to spend at our final Class store on May 17.

DECODABLE STORIES: Your child should be bringing home stories each Friday in their orange folders. Your child can read these stories and return them for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back.

Field Trip to Thanksgiving Point on Tuesday, May 21st!

We have been granted a scholarship to attend a field trip to the Ancient Life Museum at Thanksgiving Point! We will be riding the Frontrunner and will need as many chaperones as we can get! Students must be at the train station at 8:00am. Teachers will be at the train station at 7:45am. Our train leaves at 8:15am and returns at 2:45pm from the Roy Frontrunner station. Students must be picked up from the FrontRunner station at 2:45pm. The train ticket fees are included for everyone. We are allotted 6 paid chaperones per class. The fee for the exhibit is $6 for chaperones after our allotted fees. You would just need to pay the office the $6. If you can chaperone we would be very grateful and appreciative!

Please fill out the google form:

STEEM Project

We will be doing a fun STEM activity based on the book “Ricky the Rock That Couldn’t Roll”. Please send a small flat rock to school with your child by May 6th. The rock should be big enough to draw a face on and fit well in your child’s hand. 

April 22 – 26

  • This Week
  • Tuesday: Field Trip to the Hogle ZooBe on Time, Buses leave at 8:45!
  • Thursday & Friday: Mrs. Kearns will be subbing
  • Friday: $1 Dress Down – Early Release 1:10
  • Week of May 6 – Acadience Math & Reading Tests
  • Week of May 13 – Math & Reading Diagnostic. April/May reading log due.
  • Friday, May 17. – Final class store
  • Tues., May 21 – Field Trip to Dinosaur Museum (more info. to come) *Chaperones will be needed – We are riding the front runner.
  • Weds., May 22 – Field Day
  • Fri., May 24 – Last Day of School

Field Trip to the ZooThis Tuesday *Wear RED uniforms tops
   We will be leaving the school on buses at 8:45 and returning at 2:15. If your child is bringing home lunch, please make sure it is completely disposable, including the bag, and labeled with their name. Please do NOT send money with your child. They will NOT be allowed to purchase food, drinks, or other items at that zoo.

Due to high bus costs, we are asking for a $5 donations from each student. If you are able, please pay at the front office.   

Chaperones: Meet us at the zoo at approximately 9:30. Please bring a backpack to help carry lunches. You can roam the park and eat whenever. Meet back at the entrance at 1:10. You are welcome to sign your child out at that time if you want them to ride home with you.

Reading in Class: We are learning how to ask and answer questions when trying to find the key details of a text. PHONICS: We are learning how to identify silent e syllables.

Math in Class: We are continuing in our geometry unit. This week we will be learning how to partition shapes into equal shares. Please see the family letter below and consider doing the activity with your child at home.

Reading Passages (optional, but highly encouraged!!) :

**Please read with your child. Your child should be reading 20 minutes a day, at least 5 times a week. Consider using the short stories that were sent home in the reading packet to read and reread. As your child reads each night, they can color in the picture. The April / May coloring page can be turned in the week of May 13, and they will receive class money to spend at our final Class store on May 17.

DECODABLE STORIES: Your child should be bringing home stories each Friday in their orange folders. Your child can read these stories and return them for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back.

Kids Read Now

Hello, Quest Families!

The State has an amazing program called Kids Read Now! This program allows our students, Kindergarten through 3rd Grade, to select FOUR FREE BOOKS to read during the summer (they’ll be shipped to your house). The intent is to encourage reading during the summer months and to help students maintain their reading skills. Orders will only be fulfilled once we have indicated that every child has made their selections.

Watch this short video with instructions for Kids Read Now: Kids Read Now

Please select your books by Friday, May 3rd . Thanks for all you do. Happy summer and happy READING!