Back to School Info and Forms

Don’t forget that Back to School night is Monday, August 15th from 6-8pm. Sessions run every half hour, and you may choose to attend any one that you prefer.

If you can’t make it or want to get some forms filled out before you come, click on my picture below and it will take you to a presentation and links that I will be covering. Hope to see you all there! I am looking forward to meeting everyone!

Below are all the sign-ups within the presentation! Double check you didn’t miss any. 

Star Student Sign-up Link

Sign Up!

Bloomz Code: XETK85

Food Permission Form 

Volunteer Form 

Welcome to our class!

I am very excited to welcome my new students into my 2nd grade class! We’re going to have a great time together and learn a lot of fun things this year!

In preparation for the upcoming school year, please subscribe to my blog by clicking on my bitmoji or the subscribe button (found on the right sidebar or at the very bottom if you are on a phone), enter your email address and click “subscribe”.   You will be sent a confirmation email.  You need to click the link on the confirmation email to complete your subscription.  Once this is complete, you will receive an email each time I update the blog.

Back to School Night is on Monday, Aug. 15th. Classroom presentations begin at 6:00pm and will be held every half hour until 8:00pm.

Please come to whichever presentation works for you. I am looking forward to meeting all of you and working with you throughout this year.

Last Week of School

I can’t believe that this is our last week of school! We have a lot of fun things planned this week. Along with that fun, we will be cleaning out our classroom and students will be bring home a bunch of items. Please have them bring their backpacks each day.

  • This Week’s Happenings: 
  • Tue: Field Trip to the zoo. Please be on time for school!!
  • Wed: Field Day 12:00-1:00. Wear Sunscreen!
  • Thurs: Yearbook day. Early Release day.
  • Fri: Dress Down & Last Day of School – Early Release day.

Field Trip Information:

We are going to the zoo on Tuesday, May 24th. We will be leaving the school on buses at 8:45. Please drop your student off on time. We cannot wait for your child. We will be returning to the school at 2:15. Your child needs to wear their school uniform. They also should bring the following:

  • a backpack (to carry their home/or school lunch)
  • a water bottle
  • a hat
  • wear sunscreen

Field Day:

For field day, we will be playing on bounce houses for an hour outside. Wear sunscreen, and you are also allowed to bring a hat. We will be having Otter pops afterward.

May 16-20

  • This Week’s Happenings
  • May 16-19: Math Diagnostic & Acadience (Dibels) Testing
  • (With testing occurring, please make sure your student is in class each day, has breakfast, plenty of sleep, and have working over the ear headphones for their success.)
  • Fri: Spirit Shirts – Early Release 1:00pm.
  • May 24: Field trip to the Hogle Zoo. Volunteers meet us at the zoo at 9:30.
  • May 26 and 27: Early Release 1:00pm.

Reading in Class: We will be reviewing and reading some of our favorite stories.

Math in Class:

We are learning about Money. Students need to know how to recognize the different coins and their values. They will also need to be able to answer word problems that involve money.

Reading Passages (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal.  Your child should be bringing home 2 decodables each Friday in their yellow folders. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. It is so important to read every day and ask fact finding questions from the story to develop your student’s comprehension; this is key to meeting the end of the year benchmark goals for 2nd grade.

May 9-13

  • This Week’s Happenings
  • May 9-12: Reading Diagnostic & Acadience (Dibels) Testing
  • (With testing occurring, please make sure your student is in class each day, has breakfast, plenty of sleep, and have working over the ear headphones for their success.)
  • Tue: Library Day – PLEASE, PLEASE Remember Library Books or pay for damaged one ASAP- we’d like to be the first class to turn in all our books!!
  • Fri: “P” day for Pajama Day on our ABC Countdown to summer for 2nd grade. Administration has approved the 2nd grade students to wear pajamas this day if they so choose to.– Early Release 1:00pm.
  • May 16-19: Math Diagnostic
  • May 24: Field trip to the Hogle Zoo.

Reading in Class

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Math in Class:

We are learning about Time. Students need to know how to tell time to the nearest five minutes on an analog clock . We will test on Friday, the 13th.

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Reading Passages (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal.  Your child should be bringing home 2 decodables each Friday in their yellow folders. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. It is so important to read every day and ask fact finding questions from the story to develop your student’s comprehension; this is key to meeting the end of the year benchmark goals for 2nd grade.


KEEP UP THE READING!!! This link has amazing opportunities for summer reading programs. There are some many ways student can earn prizes for all of the reading they do. 🙂 A printed version went home with students on Friday.
Thank you! Happy Summer Reading!!!
 Summer Reading

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Barnes & Noble.  This is a great program because all the students have to do is read 8 books, record the title & author on a journal & take the journal into the store once completed & they get to choose a free book.  They’ve changed it a bit this year, only accepting the journals in the month of August but they’ve also given a great list of books to read for the summer by age group.  I would appreciate you posting this on your blogs when you have time.

May 2 – 6

  • This Week’s Happenings:
  • Tue: Library Day – PLEASE, PLEASE Remember Library Books!!
  • . Fri: Spirit Shirts – Early Release 1:00
  • May 9-12: Reading Diagnostic & Acadience (dibels) Testing
  • May 16-19: Math Diagnostic
  • May 24: Field trip to the Hogle Zoo.

Field Trip: Click the link to fill out the permission for the field trip and to volunteer.

Treats: Administration is providing treats for testing next week. Please click on the link to give permission for your student to receive the treats.

Reading in Class

Math in Class:

We are learning about line arrays this week. We will test on Thursday, the 5th.

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Reading Passages (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal.  Your child should be bringing home 2 decodables each Friday in their yellow folders. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. It is so important to read every day and ask fact finding questions from the story to develop your student’s comprehension; this is key to meeting the end of the year benchmark goals for 2nd grade.

April 25-29

  • This Week’s Happenings:
  • Tue: Library Day – PLEASE, PLEASE Remember Library Books!!
  • . Fri: $1 dress down day – Early Release 1:00
  • May 9-11: Reading Diagnostic & Acadience (dibels) Testing
  • May 16-18: Math Diagnostic
  • May 24: Field trip to the Hogle Zoo (more details to come soon)

Reading in Class

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Math in Class:

We are learning about line plots this week. We will test on Thursday, the 28th.

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Reading Passages (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal.  Your child should be bringing home 2 decodables each Friday in their yellow folders. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. It is so important to read every day and ask fact finding questions from the story to develop your student’s comprehension; this is key to meeting the end of the year benchmark goals for 2nd grade.

April 18 – 22

Reading in Class

Math in Class:

We will be testing our bar graphs and picture graph skills on Tuesday. Then we will move onto line plots. See the family letter below.

Reading Passages (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal.  Your child should be bringing home 2 decodables each Friday in their yellow folders. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. It is so important to read every day and ask fact finding questions from the story to develop your student’s comprehension; this is key to meeting the end of the year benchmark goals for 2nd grade.