Sept. 6 – 10

  • This Week’s Happenings: 
  • Mon: No School
  • Tue: Library Day
  • Fri: Spirit Shirts, Early Release at 1:00

Announcements:  Our cookie dough fundraiser is coming up soon. Watch for information to come home next week.

We have also started our reading program. **Your student will be bringing home their yellow folders with 2 reading decodables each Friday. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read each story 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. Yellow folders need to be kept in their backpacks.*

Reading in Class

  • The essential question is: “How are families around the world the same and different?
  • Comprehension Strategy and Skill: Visualize to understand the characters, plot, and setting in a story.
  • Spelling Pattern: Words with short e, o, and u. For example: went, tell, pet, job, fog, not, tug, hut, tub, bun, fix
  • High Frequency words: has, one, or, see
  • Our Vocabulary words are: aside, culture, fair, invited, language, plead, scurries, and share

Math in Class

We are learning how to add and subtract within 20 using different strategies such as 10 frames, number bonds, and the open number line. We will test on Friday to check for understanding.

Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal. Your student has a September reading log they can fill out to keep track of how often they are reading. They also should be bringing home 2 decodables each Friday in their yellow folders. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *

Aug. 30-Sept. 3

  • This Week’s Happenings: 
  • Mon: Math Diagnostic / Acadience (Dibels) Testing
  • Tue: Reading Diagnostic / Acadience (Dibels) Testing / Picture Day
  • Wed: Reading Diagnostic
  • Fri: Spirit Shirts, Early Release at 1:00
  • (No School Next Monday, Sept. 6 – Labor Day)

Announcements:  Picture Day is Tuesday. Students must be in uniforms. See info below. We have been working on our math diagnostic this past week and should be finishing it up on Monday. We will start our reading diagnostic on Tuesday. This diagnostic usually takes us 2 to 3 days. Dibels testing will start this week. Please have your child read out loud to you for at least 5 minutes a night.

Picture Day is Coming Soon!
Quest Academy Elementary School
August 31st, 2021
Prepay Code: QuestAcadESFall2021
To preview package options and prepay online, CLICK HERE

Reading at home: **Your student will be bringing home 2 decodables each Friday. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read each story 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *

Reading in Class

  • The essential question is: “How do friends depend on each other?
  • Comprehension Strategy and Skill: Visualize to find the key details in a story
  • Spelling Pattern: Words with short a and i. For example: has, wag, bad, six, will, sat, had, fix, him, if, can, hit
  • High Frequency words: why, for, help
  • Our Vocabulary words are: actions, afraid, depend, nervously, peered, perfectly, rescue, secret
  • Math in Class
  • This week we will be learning how to make a ten to add and subtract.

Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal. Your student brings home 2 decodables each Friday. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *

Aug. 23-27

We are off to a great start in 2nd grade. I love my class! They are all adorable and eager to learn!

This weeks happenings:

  • Tuesday: Diagnostic Testing begins
  • Thursday: Early Dismissal 1:00
  • Friday: No School (This is a teacher work day)

Just a few things to check! 

  1. Make sure your student has over the ear headphones on Monday. We will start our i-Ready diagnostic on Tuesday this week.

2.  Have you signed up for Bloomz?     Download the app and enter the code: 3CHAKY. See info below for step-by-step instructions.

3. Filled out the food permission form? Click the link below:

Food Permission Slip

4. Signed your student up for a Star student week? Click the link below:

Star Student

5. Donations for class supplies? You can pay for them online using this link- Online Payments  (If you use the online payments link, please list “Snitker” in the description and it does charge a small processing fee)

Welcome to 2nd Grade

Bitmoji Image

I hope you all have been having an amazing summer! I have been enjoying this summer with my family. I have also been working hard with the other 2nd grade teachers to get ready for you to come back to school. Here are a few things you can do to get ready for the school year. 

BLOG: Please subscribe to our blog by clicking under “Subscribe to my blog” on the right sidebar. You will be sent a confirmation email. You need to click the link on the confirmation email to complete your subscription. Once this is complete, you will receive an email each time I update the blog.

DISCLOSURE: Click on the “Parent Info” tab to find our Class Disclosure.  Please read through the disclosure with your child and submit the Google form. 

SUPPLIES: I am asking for money donations in the amount of $25.00 instead of you buying your child’s supplies.  This means that I do all the shopping, labeling and organizing.  Awesome, right? One less thing that you have to worry about.  However, this does not cover headphones.  Please send those in with your child on the first day of school. Click on the “Parent Info” tab to see how to make the donation.

Food Permission Slip: This is a blanket permission slip for the entire school year.  The food items on this list are ones that we have used regularly in the past for class parties and for math, science, and ELA lessons.  Please check all of the items that your child can have.  There is a box for substitution suggests if your child cannot have items on the list. – Food Permission Slip link

Back to School Night is on August 16, 2021. At Back to School night, you will be able to sign up for volunteer opportunities as well as for your student’s Star Student Week.  Our first day of school is Wednesday, August 18.

I cannot wait to meet you in August! Until then, have a wonderful summer break & keep reading! 

May 24 – 28

  • This Week’s Happenings: 
  • Wed: Cleaning out desks. Early Release day.
  • Thurs: Dress Down & Field Day – Wear Sunscreen. Early Release day.
  • Fri: Dress Down & Last Day of School – Early Release day.


*We have finished all of our year end testing. I will send results home on Wednesday.

*Field Day is Thursday. We will be spending about an hour outside for field day and lunch. Please wear sunscreen and bring a water bottle. We will also be having otter pops.

*Class Store: Students have loved coming to class store this year and spending their hard earned money. Students will have 1 more opportunity to attend class store. Donations are always welcome for this. Suggested items: stickers, fun pens, small notebooks, hot wheels, play-doh, slime, and other similar items. Any donation is greatly appreciated!

Reading in Class

  • We will be finishing up their Text Features All About Me Display.

Math in Class

  • We will be finishing up our Telling time unit on Tuesday.

Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal. 

May 17 – 21

  • This Week’s Happenings: 
  • Tue: Math Diagnostic starts
  • Fri: Early Release day at 1:00


*We will start our math diagnostic this week. Please be on time.

*Class Store: Students have loved coming to class store this year and spending their hard earned money. Students will have 1 more opportunities to attend class store. Donations are always welcome for this. Suggested items: stickers, fun pens, small notebooks, hot wheels, play-doh, slime, and other similar items. Any donation is greatly appreciated!

**Earning Money for Class Store: Your student brings home 2 decodables and 2 stories from our ELA quizzes each Friday. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read it 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *

Reading in Class

  • The essential question is: “Where can your imagination take you?
  • Comprehension Skill: Point of View
  • Spelling – Words with r-Controlled Vowel Syllables: jumper, higher, star, starry, garden, better, dinner, doctor, market, hairy Review: enjoy, display, afternoon, anyone, everything
  • Our Vocabulary words are: create, dazzling, imagination, seconds
  • Math in Class
  • This week we are learning about arrays (columns and rows) with repeated addition. We will test on Wednesday or Thursday.

Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal. Your student brings home 2 decodables and 2 stories from our ELA quizzes each Friday. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read it 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *

May 10-14

  • This Week’s Happenings: 
  • Mon: Last Library Day – All Books are due – NO more checkouts!
  • Tue: Reading Diagnostic starts
  • Fri: Early Release day at 1:00

Announcements: Our last library day is this Monday. Students will not be allowed to check out any books for the rest of the year. Please help your child remember their book tomorrow.

*We will start our reading diagnostic this week. Please be on time.

*Class Store: Students have loved coming to class store this year and spending their hard earned money. Students will have 2 more opportunities to attend class store. Donations are always welcome for this. Suggested items: stickers, fun pens, small notebooks, hot wheels, play-doh, slime, and other similar items. Any donation is greatly appreciated!

**Earning Money for Class Store: Your student brings home 2 decodables and 2 stories from our ELA quizzes each Friday. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read it 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *

Reading in Class

  • The essential question is: “How do we use money?
  • Comprehension Skill: Using Text Features
  • Spelling – We will Introduce words with Vowel Team Syllables: way, away, root, balloon, play, display, enjoy, explain, meadow Review: little, middle, complete, enough, river
  • Our Vocabulary words are: invented, money, prices, purchase, record, system, value, worth
  • Math in Class
  • This week we will be testing on money word problems on Tuesday or Wednesday this week and then be moving on to how to tell time on an analog clock.

Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal. Your student brings home 2 decodables and 2 stories from our ELA quizzes each Friday. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read it 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *

May 3 – 7

  • This Week’s Happenings: 
  • Mon: Library Day – Remember Books!
  • Tue: Star Wars Day – Students may wear a Star Wars shirt with uniform bottoms.
  • Fri: Early Release day at 1:00

Announcements: For the next three weeks we will be completing year-end testing. I am excited to see how much your child has grown this year. You can help your child prepare for testing by having them read each night to you and getting a good nights rest. We will be having a small, quick breakfast in the classroom for these three weeks. Your child does not have to eat it if they don’t want to, but in this case please make sure they have had breakfast at home. Also, please be on time! A lot of the testing will be done in the morning when they are well rested and ready to do their best!

*Class Store: Students have loved coming to class store this year and spending their hard earned money. Students will have 2 more opportunities to attend class store. Donations are always welcome for this. Suggested items: stickers, fun pens, small notebooks, hot wheels, play-doh, slime, and other similar items. Any donation is greatly appreciated!

**Earning Money for Class Store: Your student brings home 2 decodables and 2 stories from our ELA quizzes each Friday. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read it 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *

Reading in Class

  • The essential question is: “How do we use money?
  • Comprehension Skill: Using Text Features
  • Spelling – We will Introduce words with Vowel Team Syllables: way, away, root, balloon, play, display, enjoy, explain, meadow Review: little, middle, complete, enough, river
  • Our Vocabulary words are: invented, money, prices, purchase, record, system, value, woth
  • Math in Class
  • This week we will be learning about money and how to solve word problems involving money.

Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal. Your student brings home 2 decodables and 2 stories from our ELA quizzes each Friday. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read it 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *

April 26 – 30

  • This Week’s Happenings: 
  • Mon: Library Day – Remember Books!
  • Fri: $1 Dress Down, Early Release at 1:00

Announcements: Dibels testing will start next week May. Please have your child read out loud to you for at least 5 minutes a night.

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Reading at home: **Your student brings home 2 decodables and 2 stories from our ELA quizzes each Friday. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read it 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *

Reading in Class

  • The essential question is: “Why is teamwork important?
  • Comprehension Skill: Using Text Features
  • We will Introduce Words with Consonant + le Syllables in our spelling words: lit, little, set, settle, rip, ripple, pad, paddle, middle, bubble Review: outside, replace, follow, listen, something
  • Our Vocabulary words are: exploration, important, machines, prepare, repair, result, scientific, and teamwork
  • Math in Class
  • This week we will be learning how to create and solve questions about line plots.

Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 

**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal. Your student brings home 2 decodables and 2 stories from our ELA quizzes each Friday. These stories can be read and returned for class money. If they read it 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back. *