Week of Jan. 13

Conferences are coming up in 2 weeks. Please see Bloomz to signup. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

This Week’s Happenings:
Mon. 1/13: Library books are DUE. Dibels Testing
Tues. 1/14:  Dibels Testing.
Fri. 1/17: Early Release. 

No School Monday 1/20, Early Release Thursday, No School Friday 1/24


  • We will be dibels testing this Monday and Tuesday. Please make sure your child is reading at home, getting enough sleep, and having a good breakfast. 
  • Thank you so much to those that made a class supply donation of $20.00. If you haven’t, you may do so at the front office or call the school @ 801-731-9859.

Math in Class
We will continue adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers using models, drawings, and strategies based on place value. This can be a very difficult standard to master. Please watch for the family letter and practice pages to come home. I know homework is optional, but if you could talk about it at home, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 
Enjoy your time at home with your kids and continue to encourage them to read for enjoyment! You can even read to them!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal. Remember to fill out your monthly reading log if you want a prize.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Week of Jan. 06

Welcome back, and Happy 2020! I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing winter break. I’m excited to see everyone and get back into our regular learning routine. 

This Week’s Happenings:
**Dec. Reading Logs are due this week**
Mon. 1/06: Library books are DUE. 
Fri. 12/06:  Dibels Testing starts. Early Release.


  • We will be dibels testing this Friday and next Monday. Please make sure your child is reading at home, getting enough sleep, and having a good breakfast. 
  • Thank you so much to those that made a class supply donation of $20.00. If you haven’t, you may do so at the front office or call the school @ 801-731-9859.

Math in Class
This week we will be adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers using models, drawings, and strategies based on place value. This can be a very difficult standard to master. Please watch for the family letter and practice pages to come home. I know homework is optional, but if you could talk about it at home, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 
**Reading Logs are due this week**
Enjoy your time at home with your kids and continue to encourage them to read for enjoyment! You can even read to them!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal. Remember to fill out your monthly reading log if you want a prize.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Week of Dec. 16

*******Permission slip for food on Friday:  Christmas Around World treat permission

This Week’s Happenings:  

Mon. 12/16: Library books are DUE.  Animal Presentations 1:30
Fri. 12/20: Christmas Around the World. Early Release.


  • Winter Break is 12/23-01/03. We return back to school on Monday, Jan. 06
  • Dibels Benchmark will be the week we return. Please, Please, Please read with your child over the break!
  • Thank you so much to those that made a class supply donation of $20.00. If you haven’t, you may do so at the front office or call the school @ 801-731-9859.

Math in Class
This week we will be mentally adding and subtracting 10 or 100 to a given number 100-900. Please watch for the family letter and practice pages to come home. If you could talk about it at home, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 
Enjoy your time at home with your kids and continue to encourage them to read for enjoyment! You can even read to them!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal. Reading logs will be due the week we return from winter break.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Christmas Food Permission Slip!!!

We will be having our party on Friday, December 20th from 8:45 to 10:45. We will rotate between classrooms to visit different countries. The kids will experience some treats from the countries they visit. Some of these items were not on our disclosure. For this reason, I need each of you to click on the form to give your child permission to participate in trying these items. 
Thanks so much!
Christmas Around World treat permission

Animal Presentations

The following is the schedule for our Animal Presentations. We will start promptly and each session should last approximately 30 minutes. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Tuesday 12/10 @ 2:20                    Wednesday 12/11 @ 1:30
Luke                                                  Lincoln
Eddie                                                Greyson
William P.                                          Zoey
Hannah                                             Sawyer
Adelle                                               Havyn
Tessa G.

Thursday 12/12 @ 1:30                  Monday 12/16 @1:30
Kambry                                            Sunnie
Jaden                                               Dyson
Katy                                                  Brady
Tessa S.                                           Aspyn
Serenity                                           Mikenna
Autumn                                            Santiago
Kaycee                                             Mycandra
                                                          William T

Week of Dec. 09

This Week’s Happenings:  
Mon. 12/09: Library books are DUE. 
Tues. 12/10: Animal Presentations 2:20
Wed. 12/11: Animal Presentations 1:30
Thurs. 12/12: Animal Presentations 1:30
Fri. 12/06:  Math and Reading Tests. Early Release Day
Mon. 12/16: Animal Presentations 1:30


  • We will be presenting our Animal presentations this week and next week. Parents are welcome to come see their child present. I will also be emailing you your students presentation, so if you can’t make it they can share it with you at home. 
  • Thank you so much to those that made a class supply donation of $20.00. If you haven’t, you may do so at the front office or call the school @ 801-731-9859.

Math in Class
This week we will be comparing 3 digit numbers. Your student will be using symbols ( >, =, <) to show comparisons. Please watch for the family letter and practice pages to come home. If you could talk about it at home, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 
Enjoy your time at home with your kids and continue to encourage them to read for enjoyment! You can even read to them!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal. We will be doing Dibels benchmarks the week we come back from Winter Break.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Week of Dec. 02

This Week’s Happenings:  READING LOGS ARE DUE!!
Mon. 12/02: Library books are DUE. 
Tues. 12/03: STEM project. *Please bring “Trash”
Fri. 12/06:  Math and Reading Tests. Early Release Day


  • Reindeer Run, Saturday Dec. 07
  • We will be presenting our Animal presentations in the next few weeks. Parents are welcome to come see their child present. Please watch for a bloomz sign-up on Wed., Dec. 04.
  • Thank you so much to those that made a class supply donation of $20.00. If you haven’t, you may do so at the front office or call the school @ 801-731-9859.

2nd Grade STEM Project- Toys fromTrash
Your second grader will be creating a toy or game from “trash” in STEM this week. Please help them gather supplies and send them back to school on December 2nd or 3rd.  Please see earlier post for ideas of what to bring. 

No sharp edges, please! * No food, please!

Math in Class
This week we will be working on  reading and writing 3 digit numbers. We need to know the value of each digit and write it in expanded form.  Please watch for the family letter and practice pages to come home. If you could talk about it at home, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Reading Homework (optional, but highly encouraged!!) 
Enjoy your time at home with your kids and continue to encourage them to read for enjoyment! You can even read to them!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal. The November reading log can be turned in this week for a prize.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

December STEM project

Happy Thanksgiving! One of the things I am grateful for this season is the opportunity I have to work with each and everyone of your children. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and enjoy some downtime with your child.

2nd Grade STEM Project- Toys fromTrash

Your second grader will be creating a toy or game from “trash” in STEM the week after Thanksgiving break.  Please help them gather supplies and send them back to school on December 2nd or 3rd.  Your student will create their toy during the week of December 2nd.

 No sharp edges, please!
No food, please!


Quest Academy STEM Teachers

 Items that can be used:

  • Straws                                     
  • Coffee filters
  • Toothpicks
  • Rubberbands
  • Index cards
  • Q-tips
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Cupcake liners
  • Masking tape
  • Playing cards
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Mop bucket
  • Paper plates
  • Plastic silverware
  • Plastic bins
  • Magnets
  • Duct tape
  • Scotch tape
  • Cotton balls
  • Plastic baggies
  • Plastic cups
  • Felt
  • Lunch bags
  • String
  • Dental floss
  • Flashlights
  • Envelopes
  • Soap dishes
  • Coffee stirrers
  • Paper clips
  • Foam boards
  • Mailing supplies
  • Poster board
  • Cardboard
  • Dice
  • Bottle caps/plastic lids
  • Fabric
  • Ribbon
  • Toilet paper and paper towels rolls
  • Pie tins
  • Other items