Nov. 05-09

Last week was such a fun week! I loved seeing the kids in their costumes.  Thank you so much to the parents that helped with the Halloween party.  I think the kids really enjoyed themselves.  


Important Dates: 
Tuesday- Library day *Books are due
Thanksgiving Break Nov. 19-23

Changing Weather:
The weather is getting cooler and we are bound to have some rainy and snowy days. Please make sure that your child comes to school prepared for the weather of the day. Snow boots, coats, rain jackets, and gloves are helpful to have on hand during these colder months.


No surprises! 20 minutes of reading every night and Reflex. Please make sure that your child gets a green light in Reflex AT LEAST 3 times during the week. If students do not complete REFLEX at home, they will complete it at recess time. 

Week of Oct. 29

This Week is Spirit Week: 
Screen Shot 2018-10-26 at 3.10.21 PM
Tuesday 10/30 – Library Day *Books Due
Wednesday 10/31 – Halloween Parade 9:00 (parents are welcome)
                    Party 10:00-11:30. Please make sure you have signed the food permission slip (last weeks post). **Early release @ 1:30**
Thursday 11/01 – Reading Logs due for full credit!!


Thank you for coming to Parent-Teacher conferences. I loved having the opportunity to share your child’s accomplishments with you.
**On Halloween Day, wear your costume to school, but please remember NO heavy face make-up, masks, or weapons…I need to be able to recognize you. 

Homework: Reading Logs due 11/01 for FULL credit!!
It’s easy! 20 minutes of reading every night and Reflex. Please make sure that your child gets a green light in Reflex AT LEAST 3 times during the week. If doing Reflex at home is not possible at times, please send me an email or Bloomz message so that I can arrange for your child to have an opportunity to get it completed at school.

Food Drive:
It’s still going on! Please send in any non-perishable foods that can support one of our local food pantries.

Oct. 22 – 26

Important Dates:
Book Fair Begins
10/23: Library Day *Books are due
 Parent/Teacher Conferences

10/24: Witch Dressing 1:30-2:45
10/25: Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/26: Early Release, Dress Down

Classroom Information:

I am looking forward to seeing all of you at Parent/Teacher conferences over the next few days. I get to share a great deal of information with you about your child’s current level of mastery as well as share the wonderful things I love about your child. In order to make sure that there are enough spots for everyone’s conference, I had to schedule slots very tightly. Please be on time! If we find that we need to spend additional time discussing anything, we can schedule a time to meet at a later day.

Apple Witches:
We will be dressing Apple Witches on Wednesday the 24th at 1:30 in the afternoon. If your child has not brought his or her dress, hat, gloves, and stick, please make sure they have it no later than Wednesday morning. 

Food Drive:
It’s still going on! Please send in any non-perishable foods that can support one of our local food pantries.

Food Permission:

Below is the food permission form for the entire year. Please include any substitutions that your child may need for any food allergies.  Homework:
It’s easy! 20 minutes of reading every night and Reflex. Please make sure that your child gets a green light in Reflex AT LEAST 3 times during the week. If doing Reflex at home is not possible at times, please send me an email or Bloomz message so that I can arrange for your child to have an opportunity to get it completed at school.

Oct. 15-16

This Weeks Happenings:
Canned Food Drive is still going on.  Please bring in those cans and help us fill up the food bank!!
Tuesday – Library @ 11:00 *Library Books are Due
***Apple Witch Dresses are due Tuesday***

No School on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday!  Happy Fall Break!!!

Food Drive:
Thank you all for the great support for the Food Drive Dress Down. Our class contributed a total of 100 items! There is still time to donate more food on Monday and Tuesday, and I encourage you to send in anything you can. This is a great opportunity to teach our children that they can always make an impact, no matter how young they are!

Apple Witches:

You should have gotten a letter with instructions and patterns for creating the witches’ clothes. You are welcome to start sending in dresses as soon as you have them sewn. Please have witch dresses returned to school no later than October 16th. If you need someone to sew your dress, just send the pre-cut pieces in a baggie with your child’s name and I will hand it off to one of the many volunteers that have offered their time and talents. If you did not get the Apple Witch instructions, please let me know and I will send another one home with your child.

Parent Teacher Conference Sign – Ups
I posted the Parent Teacher Conference Sign-Ups on BLOOMZ.  Please go in and choose a time that works for you and your family.  The dates are Tuesday, October 23rd and Thursday, October 25th.  Thank you!

Our goal is to have student’s read 20 minutes per night.  Please make sure that your child is recording their minutes on the monthly reading log.

Math Homework
Each student will need to get onto (access under student links on the Quest website or download the app on a tablet) and complete their “green light” Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (3 sessions). If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time.

Oct. 08 – 12

This Weeks Happenings:
Tuesday – Library @ 11:00 *Library Books are Due
                 – Picture Day Retakes
Wednesday – Ice Cream Party! please submit permission slip
Friday – Canned Dress Down Day – Students may bring in 5 cans for a dress down day.  Keep bringing in canned food items and help us fill the food bank!

Parent Teacher Conference Sign – Ups
I posted the Parent Teacher Conference Sign-Ups on BLOOMZ.  Please go in and choose a time that works for you and your family.  The dates are Tuesday, October 23rd and Thursday, October 25th.  Thank you!

***If you haven’t already, please subscribe to my blog and get the BLOOMZ app and create an account.  The BLOOMZ class code is K5GTPN. Please make sure you set your account up so you receive notifications.  These are the two main forms of communication, so I’d love all the parents getting all the reminders. Thanks!****

Math in Class
Multiply and divide with unknown numbers. We are talking about fact families and using different strategies to solve multiplication and division equations. 

Language Arts in Class
We are in our fifth week of Wonders this week.  The main story we will be reading is , “Finding Lincoln” which is a historical fiction story and our essential question is: How can one person change the way you think?  Our comprehension skill that we will be focused on is cause and effect.

Reading Homework
Our goal is to have student’s read 20 minutes per night.  Please make sure that your child is recording their minutes on the monthly reading log.

Math Homework
Each student will need to get onto (access under student links on the Quest website)  and complete their “green light” Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (3 sessions).  If students do not complete Reflex at home they will complete it during recess time.

Oct. 1st-5th

I can’t believe it’s October already! Here are some upcoming things. 

Reading log: must be turned in this Monday for full credit.
Apple Witches: I am sending home apple witch instructions this week. Watch for the volunteer paper and patterns coming home. We will be dressing witches on Wednesday, October 24th from 1:30-3:30.  We need lots of help on that day.  
Library: books are due Tuesday

Math in class: Multiplication and Division! We will be studying the relationship between the two operations. Look for the Family Letter to come home with your student. 

Language Arts in class: Question of the week is: How can problem solving lead to new ideas? Some of the vocabulary words we will be learning are design, quality, simple, examine, solution. investigation, substitutes, and encouraged. Our comprehension strategy focus is asking and answering questions, and our skill will be Cause and Effect. 

Read 20 minutes a day and complete Reflex math. Reflex is an app that can be downloaded on a phone or tablet for convenience. If Reflex is causing you problems, try another browser, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc. If you are still experiencing issues, please let me know. 

Halloween Party: 
I will soon be contacting anyone who signed up to help with the Halloween Party through BLOOMZ. A sub-group will be created so that planning for the party can take place. If you did not sign up to help, but would like to, please contact me and let me know so that I can add you to the group. Halloween at Quest is such a fun day!

Sept. 24-28 / Reading Logs

We had a great time carving our Apple Witch heads on Friday!  Thanks so much for all the volunteers that helped our class.  The kids loved making them, and I can’t wait to see how they turn out. Watch for more info coming soon about the next steps for Apple Witches.

Here are a few things this week: 
Tuesday – Library *We get to check out books for the first time this year!
Friday- DOLLAR DRESS DOWN * Bring a $1 if you want to dress down Sept.28

Homework – 
Reading Log: Hopefully your kiddo has been keeping track of reading minutes. The end of the month is fast approaching and our monthly reading log will be due next Monday, Oct. 1. Remember, reading 20 minutes nightly is our goal. 

Math: Each week your child will come home with a family letter telling you what we are learning in class that week.  It usually has a game you can play that will help reinforce what we are learning.  This is not homework, but feel free to use it if you want.  However, your child should be logging onto Reflex math nightly and getting the green light. If students don’t complete Reflex at home then they will complete it during recess.

Cookie Dough Fundraiser

Just a reminder that our cookie dough fundraiser is wrapping up and all order forms and money are due this Monday, Sept. 10.  Thank you for supporting this fundraiser!!! 

We had our first class store and I think the kids enjoyed using their hard earned money to buy some fun things.  We are almost done with our dibels testing and I should have a better idea of each of the kiddos reading levels by the end of this week.  In math we are learning how to do multiplication.  Your child will be coming home with a letter that explains what we are doing in class. If you have any questions about homework, please check the homework tab. Thank you for helping your child at home to be successful at school!

Reading Log and Reflex Homework

Another great week here in 3rd grade!  We are really starting to get into the swing of things. Our homework accountability starts next week. 

Reading Logs: Look for the monthly reading log to come home tomorrow. I am asking that your child read at least 20 minutes, 5 days a week. Please don’t forget to fill out the log each night. You can also ask your child what they are reading about and ask them for details!! The reading logs will be due the last day of each month. 

MATH Homework: I will also be sending home a paper about Reflex math.  It will explain how to access this program and your child’s password to log on. They need to work for the “green light” every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday. 
*Please let me know if you have any questions.  

Upcoming events:  Don’t forget that tomorrow is a Dollar $1 Dress Down Day!
                       No School Monday 9/03 – Labor day
                       Starting our reading fluency testing on Tuesday 9/04
                       Cookie Dough fundraiser papers due Monday 9/10