Happy Valentine’s Day Week!
Important Dates to Remember
Mon. Feb. 9th Library
Tue. Feb. 10th Fieldtrip (If you have not returned your signed field trip note, please do so immediately)
Wed. – Friday Students may bring Valentine’s (Remember, please do not leave anyone out)
Fri. Feb. 13th Valentine’s Day Party 1:45 – 2:45
Homework (Please choose the option that fits your child’s needs)
Option 1 (Recorded On Line, or Fill out the Homework tracker and return)
* Xtramath.org 3 times
* 20 minutes of Reading 5 Nights of the week (There are two papers that you may use for predicting and comprehension check)
* Spelling Sorts
Option 2(Print and Fill out the Homework Tracker)
*Finding Evidence (This should take 2 or 3 nights Reading Homework Feb 9th) The other nights should be 20 minutes of reading
*Math Homework Feb 9
* Spelling Sorts
Spelling Sorts
Packers: Sort 17
Colts: Sort 44
Seahawks: Sort 5
Patriots: Sort 25
Language Arts
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