Fieldtrips, Plays and Books!

Monday   Mar. 20  Library (Please bring your book)
Tuesday   Mar. 21   Singing with Mrs. Vernieuw
Thursday Mar. 23   STEM
Friday      Mar. 24   Fieldtrip to the Aquarium  (Please pay your $3.00 to the office as soon as possible)

This Friday is our fieldtirp to the aquarium.  If you have not turned in your permission slip, or paid your money, please do so as soon as possible.  This field trip is $3.00.  We still have room for more parents, and their entry fee and transportation cost is $7.00.  Again, please pay this at the front office too.  Students should be at the Frontrunner Station at 8:15 Friday morning.  We will return from this field trip at 3:45.

On April 14th we are going to the planetarium.  The permission slips for this field trip is also due as soon as possible.  The cost of this field trip is $4.00 per student to cover the cost of transportation.  Parent volunteers are $10.00.  Please pay the front office for this field trip also.

Play Notes
We have begun practicing for our play and it’s going to turn out fabulously!  Each student will be responsible for their costume and props.  The date of the play is May 10th at 2:00 and 5:00.  If your child is not gong to be able to attend, please let me know as soon as possible.

We are currently writing poem books and will be ready to send them off to be published soon.   The publishers provide a softbound book for each child.  In conjunction with the publishing, they offer hardback copies of your child’s book for a reasonable price.  These books are a great idea for grandparents.  Your child needs a SIGNED slip from you, even if you do not wish to purchase a book.  These slips will be sent home this week.  Please return them as soon as possible.  REMEMBER, I MUST HAVE A SIGNED SLIP FROM YOU IN ORDER FOR YOUR CHILD TO HAVE THEIR BOOK PUBLISHED IN SOFT BACK.  Thank you in advance for your attention to this.


READING:  Please read 20 minutes every night.  Go into the google classroom and follow the directions there.  

MATH:   If you are interested in a membership in Prodigy, POQA has arranged memberships for only $12 a year.  This is not necessary to use Prodigy, but does allows the students to have access to the premium prizes.

SPELLING:   We will be studying suffixes.  The pattern for this week is -able, -en, -flu, -ily

Have a great week!
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