Fieldtrips, Hermit Crabs, and Break!

Important dates to remember

Mon.  March 26th   Library  (Please bring your book so you can get a new one for the
Tues.  March 27th   Singing with Mrs. Vernieuw (This will be our last time until after the
Wed.  March 28th   Skype call with our Penguin Friends in South Africa for Earth Day (I
                                    know we’re early, but it was the only time available)
Thur.  March 29th   STEM
Fri.      March 30th  SKYPE Call with Lauren Magaziner (Author of our Last Read-A-Loud,
                                    The Only Thing Worse Than Witches)
                                    Dollar Dress Down
                                    Short Day Schedule

We had a fabulous time at the Living Planet Aquarium!  Thank you parent volunteers, we wouldn’t be able to do this field trip with you!  The students had the opportunity to see so many interesting and fun animals.   Several of the students mentioned they were planning on bringing their $3.00 on Monday, if it wasn’t too late.  It’s not too late, and would be greatly appreciated.

Upcoming  T

Our next field trip is April 12th, which is after spring break, to The Clark Planetarium.  We will be riding the Frontrunner to Salt Lake, trading to Trax to get to the Planetarium.  The cost of this field trip is $4.00 per student.  If you have not yet paid, not worries, but please do if possible, it really helps with the transportation costs.  No student will be left behind due to inability to pay.

We are already working hard on the play, and on our books.  Between the two of them, we are so busy while also learning about opinion writing and elapsed time.    

:  20 minutes every night.  After reading, go to the Google Classroom and comment on the links there.  I know last week was a little confusing, but it should have everything there this week.

Math:   15 minutes of Prodigy.  It’s important that you go into the battles, and do the problems there.  You really should be able to complete 15 to 20 problems a week.

Spelling:  We will complete our suffix studies this week and will have a suffix test on Friday.  

Have a great week, and a wonderful Spring Break!  We’ll see you in April!

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