Important Dates
Mon May 8th Dress Rehearsal 9:00 to 10:30
Last Library Day (Please return all books)
Tues May 9th SAGE Testing ELA 8:30
Wed May 10th PLAY 2:00 (Please be seated by 1:45)
Thur. May 11 SAGE Testing ELA (I’ll post the time Monday)
Fri. May 12 Normal Friday Schedule
The time has come to put our Hermit Crabs up for adoption! In order to put in for adoption, you will need to do a couple of things. In order to adopt, you will need to provide a container for the crabs to live in, and insure that you will be willing to take care of them, feed them, purchase salt water for them, and Hermit Crab Dirt. They need to have their dirt changed about every 3 weeks. The dire and the salt water can be purchased at most pet stores. If you would like to adopt, please do the following:
First, send a note with your child by THURSDAY that states you would like to adopt 2 hermit crabs.
Second, fill out the note I will send home with interested families and return it by FRIDAY.
Third, know that this is a drawing, all names of those who are interested will be put in a random name generator and the computer will draw the adoptive families.
Fourth, if your name is drawn, you will have the weekend to purchase your items and bring them to school by Monday.
Good luck to all interested families!
Reading: 20 minutes every night! By now, this should be a habit. We will be using your home reading in class. If you don’t have time home, you may choose to read during study hall.
Math: Prodigy is still set to review all the concepts you have learned this year. I will only require 2 nights (30 Problems) due to the play on Wednesday night.
Thank you for being a great 3rd Grade Class!
Language Arts
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