Important Dates
Wed May 24th Clean Out Desks (Please Bring Your Backpack)
Thurs May 25th Short Day
Field Day
Wear your Yellow Tie Dye Shirt
Fri May 26th Short Day
Free Dress Down
Last Day of 3rd Grade
I just want to tell all of you, thank you! Thank you for an amazing year. I truly love all of you and will always remember the amazing things that have been accomplished. It’s been fun getting to know the fun personalities, likes, dislikes, and how the members of our class work!
Thank you also for the support of the great parents in our class. It makes a huge difference when we have the love and support of our parents.
There will not be homework this week, but please remember that nightly reading is not homework, it’s bonus time and something I hope you’ll do forever and ever!
Language Arts
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