Thank You!

Thank you parents for pulling through with the Cool Whip lids.  We have enough and parent gifts are going to happen!

This week is a busy one as we start Sage Interim Testing.  It is also Hour of Code Week.  Many have asked what Hour of Code is, so here’s a quick explanation.  Hour of Code was created to encourage kids and teachers to learn and teach code.  Each year, hosts a week where they offer fun, inspirational videos about the importance of coding, and a fun code program for the students.  Coding is how video games, android and iOS base apps are created, and will be a very big part of our futures.  This year, has teamed up with Disney and have a new Star Wars code program available for Hour of Code.   At Quest, we participate in Hour of Code Week, but that’s not our only interaction.  We code all year long in STEM class and in our classroom.  If you have not seen what your student is capable of coding, have them log on at home and show you what they can do.  We will participate in Hour of Code on Thursday.

Our schedule for SAGE testing is as follows:
Tuesday, December 8th 2:00 to 3:00   Math
Thursday, December 10th  2:00 – 3:00   Math
Friday, December 11th 9:40 – 10:40 Writing
Monday, Decmeber 14th 10:30 – 11:30 Writing
Wednesday, December 16th 8:40 – 9:40 ELA
Thursday, December 17th 8:40 – 9:40 ELA
After the testing is over, I a snapshot of what the students have grasped  on the concepts we have already taught, and an indication of their background knowledge of upcoming topics.  These tests will NOT be used as term grades.  This testing will also help the children have a good idea of what to expect when we get to the end of year tests.

We will be celebrating 1/2 birthdays for our June birthdays this month, July birthdays in January and August birthdays in February. 


This week we have one extra homework assignment.  Your child has written an article about the “History of Candy Corn”.  It would be helpful if you would read over it with them and help them edit, and/or add to it.  I DO NOT want you to rewrite it for them.  They are in the process of learning how to add to and fix drafts.  Ask them questions about what they have done.  Ask them questions you have about the candy corn, how it’s made, why it’s shaped the way it is, or things you think of when they read it to you.  They can access their piece by going to  I will send home their username and password on Monday. 

Math: We have started Multiplication!  This week we will be working on 3′s, and 4′s.  Math homework should happen 3 nights a week and may be done on the weekend.  Current options for math homework are any of the following:

Chutes and Ladders (Game board was sent home 3 weeks ago)
Cross Out (Game board will be sent home today)

We will be adding more multiplication games as we learn more of the facts.  Each night of homework is worth 10 points.

20 minutes at least 5 times a week.  It is imperative that your child is participating in reading practice at home.  Studies have shown that the more words a child read, the better their achievement is in all other areas.   Not only are they given homework points for reading, but they are also given presentation points for being able to stand up and talk about what they read the night before. Reading is worth 100 points each week. I will be choosing our book talks from the Padlet Entries here, please have your child comment when they are ready to share the next day.  They only need to do a book talk once a month, but many of them like to do more:

Book Check In

Spelling Sorts: Sorts are assigned on Monday, so this sort should be the regular sort, allowing you to see what the focus for the week is and should be written after sorting.  Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday, you get to choose the sorts.  I have told the students that if they choose the speed sort, to save it for a “busy” night as it does not need to be written.   If you have questions, please don’t be afraid to e-mail me.  Sorts are worth 10 points per sort every week.

When we test on Friday, I choose words with the pattern we have learned throughout the week.  I do not always choose words that were in the sort as we are looking for the use of pattern and their ability to use it in any word with that pattern.

BYU: Sort 11
Utah State: Sort 29
U of U: Sort 39
Weber State: Sort 45

Just a heads up, we will not have Spelling Sorts next week.

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December Arrives This Week!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe  Thanksgiving!  

We have three weeks to accomplish our December Goals and it’s going to fly by.

In the next three weeks we will be working on Parent Gifts (Remember to bring in those Cool Whip Lids), memorizing multiplication facts, learning the rest of the lower case cursive letters and working on a fun Grinch project.   

We will be starting to pass of our multiplication facts for the first time (we pass them off a variety of ways, numbers times) this week.  As we pass them off the first time, we will also be filling out a glyph (picture) that we will use to graph and take data from.  In the end we will have a Sundae Party (February 14th) where we will build a sundae to celebrate knowing our multiplication facts.  The students will have 1 minute to pass off the facts for each number group (Example: We will start with 2’s, then do 5’s etc).  


This week we have one extra homework assignment.  Your child has written an article about the “History of Candy Corn”.  It would be helpful if you would read over it with them and help them edit, and/or add to it.  I DO NOT want you to rewrite it for them.  They are in the process of learning how to add to and fix drafts.  Ask them questions about what they have done.  Ask them questions you have about the candy corn, how it’s made, why it’s shaped the way it is, or things you think of when they read it to you.  They can access their piece by going to  I will send home their username and password on Monday. 

Math: We have started Multiplication!  This week we will be working on 3’s, and 4’s.  Math homework should happen 3 nights a week and may be done on the weekend.  Current options for math homework are any of the following:

Chutes and Ladders (Game board was sent home 2 weeks ago)

We will be adding more multiplication games as we learn more of the facts.  Each night of homework is worth 10 points.

20 minutes at least 5 times a week.  It is imperative that your child is participating in reading practice at home.  Studies have shown that the more words a child read, the better their achievement is in all other areas.   Not only are they given homework points for reading, but they are also given presentation points for being able to stand up and talk about what they read the night before. Reading is worth 100 points each week. I will be choosing our book talks from the Padlet Entries here, please have your child comment when they are ready to share the next day.  They only need to do a book talk once a month, but many of them like to do more:

Book Check In

Spelling Sorts: Sorts are assigned on Monday, so this sort should be the regular sort, allowing you to see what the focus for the week is and should be written after sorting.  Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday, you get to choose the sorts.  I have told the students that if they choose the speed sort, to save it for a “busy” night as it does not need to be written.   If you have questions, please don’t be afraid to e-mail me.  Sorts are worth 10 points per sort every week.

When we test on Friday, I choose words with the pattern we have learned throughout the week.  I do not always choose words that were in the sort as we are looking for the use of pattern and their ability to use it in any word with that pattern.

BYU: Sort 10
Utah State: Sort 28
U of U: Sort 38
Weber State: Sort 38

Thanks for all you do for your student and our class!  Have a great week.

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PLEA for HELP!!!!!

We are in need for more Cool Whip Lids.  We only have 4 and need 25 more.  Please, please, please, see if you can find one for your student.  I would hate to not be able to make the parent gifts we have planned.

Thank you in advance, 

Mrs. Goldsberry
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Prodigy Help!

We have contacted Prodigy and here is their response.  When you tell them what’s happening, they help everyone who is experiencing the same thing:

Matthew F (Prodigy)
Nov 16, 14:10

Hi Susan,

Thanks for contacting Prodigy Customer Support!

They’re always welcome to email us at and we’ll do our best to help them out!

We would ask them to please provide us with some of the following details so that could assist them:

What is the username(s) for the impacted account(s)?
What device/operating system/ browser are you using?
What do you see on screen? (if possible, please feel free to provide a screenshot)
What, if any, error messages appear?

Matthew F.
Customer Support Lead
Prodigy Math Game
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Twas the Week Before Thanksgiving

I can not believe that November is half way over and this is really the last week we have in school.    

I can truly say that your kids  worked hard last week and succeeded in completing 16 centers in 5 days.  I know for some of them this was challenging, but they did it!  I have planned this weeks centers to be rigorous and have changed a few things, hoping to keep them moving, thinking, working and motivated.  We talk every day about time management, how the days centers went, and how they are feeling about their work. 

Writing is a huge factor in 3rd grade curriculum and we are working towards creating a two or three paragraph paper that is cohesive.  We tried having the kids log onto Utah Compose to allow you to help edit their pieces, but it had a lot of glitches and some kids lost their essays (which was beyond frustrating).  With this  in mind, we are going to try an alternative method.  Your student has copied and pasted their Utah Compose “History of Candy Corn” article in their Google Account.  They log onto their account at  Each child’s user name is first  Their password is their usual password with rams behind it.   They log on daily, so they know how to do this.  Please have them read it to you and feel free to ask them questions.  This helps them know where they have holes and where they can improve their information.

Tuesday will be the last day for our collection of school supplies for the Bottle Hollow Teachers and their classrooms.  Thank you for your generosity!

This week is a Parent Teacher Conference week and I will be doing Conferences on Tuesday.  If you are interested in meeting about your student, please e-mail me at and I’ll arrange a time to meet.  I have 3:35, 4:00, and 4:20 open. 

Please remember that Friday is a short day.  Also, Tuesday is our Library day and we have several who forget their books on a regular basis.  The students often tell me it’s their parents fault, but I ALWAYS tell them it’s not their parents job to make sure they have their books.  Please remind them on Monday night to put their books in their backpacks, but then it’s up to them to carry through.

We are still in need of Cool Whip lids.  These are for their parent gifts for Christmas.  We need 26 more lids in order to make our gifts.  As you plan for Thanksgiving, please watch for the opportunity to obtain a lid.  I also had a student bring me a Western Family lid and they have changed their lids!!!! They will totally work.  In order to make sure a lid will work, please compare it to a Cool Whip Brand lid in the freezer section and make sure they are the same type of lid.


Writing:  Edit your Candy Corn piece in Google Classroom.  If we could have this done by Tuesday night, we can finish them in school on Wednesday and Thursday.

Math: We have started Multiplication and Division!  This week we will be working on 2′s, 5′s, and 9′s.  We will review 2, 5, and 9’s multiplication, and introduce division.  We will also learn our 3 x’s.  I have heard that Prodigy has had a few glitches.  I have e-mailed them and they are checking into each case.   They did suggest you go into your internet setting and clear your cookies and cache.  When you play PIG, use multiplication any time a 2, 3, or 5 is rolled and go to 200.  Each night of homework is worth 10 points.

20 minutes at least 5 times a week.  It is imperative that your child is participating in reading practice at home.  Studies have shown that the more words a child read, the better their achievement is in all other areas.   Not only are they given homework points for reading, but they are also given presentation points for being able to stand up and talk about what they read the night before. Reading is worth 100 points each week. I will be choosing our book talks from the Padlet Entries here, please have your child comment when they are ready to share the next day.  They only need to do a book talk once a month, but many of them like to do more:

Book Check In

Spelling:  Due to the activities planned for the week concerning Thanksgiving, we will not be having a formal spelling test or be doing sorts.  We will be talking about how our spelling affects our writing and watching for spelling errors when editing.

Watch for fun pictures and videos of our class working with Dot and Dash on Facebook and the blog.  

Your kids are AMAZING and I love that you have shared them with me!

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November News

Thank you for reading all of the posts from last week.  I felt as though I asked for a lot and all of you responded. Keeping this in mind, I’m going to give an update of everything we’re involved in right now and what help we need.

School Supply Collection: We have books, notebooks, and school supplies coming in and we really appreciate it.  We have talked as a class and do feel we are so lucky compared to others who are in need.  We love that we can help them.

Cool Whip Lids:  We need 28 Cool Whip Lids.  These will be used for a December surprise.  

Bookfair Starts Monday!  All books purchased will help purchase new books for our library.  Please remind your child that they are NOT to ask other children to buy them items from book fair, and remind your student that if someone asks them to purchase something for them, it’s OK to say, “Please ask your parents”.  It’s hard for kids to tell their friends no and we need to teach them it’s OK to do. 

We are still collecting Boxtops, Soup Labels (they need to have the bar code attached), and Tyson Chicken labels.  We would LOVE to win another dress down day!

Classroom Note:  We are working hard on writing and answering questions in complete sentences.  Please encourage this at home as well.  Studies have shown that children who can restate the question in their answer prove to increase their vocabulary skills, improve their writing skills and improve their overall scores.  

Google Classroom:  We have opened our Google Classroom accounts for the first time, and will now start to use this format in class.  Please have your child log on and show you what it’s capable of doing.  I can make assignments, they complete the assignment and hand it in, I correct it and hand it back all through the computer.  We will start using it to edit sentences.  Later on we will use it to collaborate when writing compositions, and we’ll create book report slide shows with a group.  I’m really excited for this new technology and our ability to use it in our classroom.

Reporting Homework:  You may log your homework nightly, or weekly.  Choose what works best for you.  The form has changed so this is possible.  


This week we have one extra homework assignment.  Your child has written an article about the “History of Candy Corn”.  It would be helpful if you would read over it with them and help them edit, and/or add to it.  I DO NOT want you to rewrite it for them.  They are in the process of learning how to add to and fix drafts.  Ask them questions about what they have done.  Ask them questions you have about the candy corn, how it’s made, why it’s shaped the way it is, or things you think of when they read it to you.  They can access their piece by going to  I will send home their username and password on Monday. 

Math: We have started Multiplication!  This week we will be working on 2’s, 5’s, and 9’s.  On Monday I will be sending home a multiplication game for 5’s.  It may count for math homework any night of the week.  Prodigy still counts and so does Pig.  Math homework should happen 3 nights a week and may be done on the weekend.  We will be adding more multiplication games as we learn more of the facts.  Each night of homework is worth 10 points.

20 minutes at least 5 times a week.  It is imperative that your child is participating in reading practice at home.  Studies have shown that the more words a child read, the better their achievement is in all other areas.   Not only are they given homework points for reading, but they are also given presentation points for being able to stand up and talk about what they read the night before. Reading is worth 100 points each week. I will be choosing our book talks from the Padlet Entries here, please have your child comment when they are ready to share the next day.  They only need to do a book talk once a month, but many of them like to do more:

Book Check In

Spelling Sorts: Sorts are assigned on Monday, so this sort should be the regular sort, allowing you to see what the focus for the week is and should be written after sorting.  Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday, you get to choose the sorts.  I have told the students that if they choose the speed sort, to save it for a “busy” night as it does not need to be written.   If you have questions, please don’t be afraid to e-mail me.  Sorts are worth 10 points per sort every week.

When we test on Friday, I choose words with the pattern we have learned throughout the week.  I do not always choose words that were in the sort as we are looking for the use of pattern and their ability to use it in any word with that pattern.

BYU: Sort 9
Utah State: Sort 26
U of U: Sort 37
Weber State: Sort 43

Thanks for all you do for your student and our class!  Have a great week.

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A Few More Things

A part of STEM is learning to give back and being involved in the global community. For our first project, we wanted to show gratitude by sharing what we have with others who may not be as fortunate as we are. Thanksgiving is a perfect time to focus on others. Our new friends in Bottle Hollow, Utah are in need of school supplies and books. Their classrooms don’t have classroom libraries or access to any technology and they have very few school supplies.

Our third grade will be collecting new or  gently used books.  There are a lot of ways to do this.  You can donate books you no longer need from home.  You can order the $1.00 books off of the book order.  You can visit the DI and find an old favorite you would like to share.  Or, use your imagination and find a fun way to donate.

We are also collecting pencils, colored pencils, crayons, notebooks (of all kinds), lined paper, construction paper, glue, two pocket folders. and student scissors.   These items need to new.  

We will be preparing and wrapping the gifts  on November 16. Please have all donations turned in by that day.

This is not a required activity, we just think it would be fun to show our gratitude for all we have, by sharing with others.  We totally understand if you are not in the position to donate at this time.


The Third Grade Teachers

Our class will be using Classroom Dojo to track good and bad behaviors.    Please watch for more information on this.


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Thank You, Thank You, and Please

Thank you parents for making October such a success!  Between the witches, the Halloween Party, and Volunteering in the Classroom, we couldn’t ask for better parents and help. 

GREAT NEWS!!!!!! Third Grade won the Box Tops for the first quarter! We won 3 large bags of PE Equipment and a Dress Down Day.  We will have our free dress down day on Friday, November 6th.  Your 3rd grader may dress down, for free!!!!!

In thinking about the things we have coming up, I have a couple of things I need to start thinking about and collecting.  Each student will need a Cool Whip lid by the end of November.  The Western Family Whipped Topping lids WILL NOT work.  I have found that grandparents and elderly neighbors are great places to find an extra lid or 2, or 7 sometimes.  I will take as many as we can get.  As you plan for family gatherings, dinners, etc., please include a recipe or two with Cool Whip in it.  I have not found a substitute for the Cool Whip lids, so please help us in this collection process.

Lead for Mechanical Pencils:  The mechanical pencils have really been successful in our classroom.  I can’t believe the time that has been saved by not having to have a ton of people lined up at the pencil sharpener waiting to sharpen pencils.  The problem is, we are in need of .7 and .9 lead refills.  If you are able to donate lead to our class, we would be so appreciative.  Also, as you look at ideas for December gifts, please consider having your student ask for mechanical pencils, lead, colored pencils (ours are starting to get a little short),  and flash cards for multiplication.


Math:    This is a great way to practice what we have been doing in class and needs to be used 3 times a week, for at least 15 minutes each time.  This is a great review of what we are doing in class as I assign the problems that your child works on.  We have also been playing PIG and if you would like to substitute any night of  Prodigy for Pig, please feel free to.  There are 30 points given each week for Prodigy and/or Pig.  The rules for Pig can be found here: PIG
We will be learning new card games, dice games, and other types of games you will be able to play for homework the next few weeks.  These games will be multiplication games.  Yep, we will be starting multiplication this week!

20 minutes at least 5 times a week.  It is imperative that your child is participating in reading practice at home.  Studies have shown that the more words a child read, the better their achievement is in all other areas.  We will be starting book talks where the students talk about what they read the night before.  Not only are they given homework points for reading, but they are also given presentation points for being able to stand up and talk about what they read the night before. Reading is worth 100 points each week. I will be choosing our book talks from the Padlet Entries here:

Book Check In

Sorts are assigned on Monday, so this sort should be the regular sort, allowing you to see what the focus for the week is and should be written after sorting.  Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday, you get to choose the sorts.  I have told the students that if they choose the speed sort, to save it for a “busy” night as it does not need to be written.   If you have questions, please don’t be afraid to e-mail me.  Sorts are worth 40 points every week.

When we test on Friday, I choose words with the pattern we have learned throughout the week.  I do not always choose words that were in the sort as we are looking for the use of pattern and their ability to use it in any word with that pattern.

BYU: Sort 8
Utah State: Sort 25
U of U: Sort 36
Weber State: Sort 42

Have a great week! Here’s a peek at just a little of our October:

Click Here to see the Video
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For this is Halloweeen! And Positive Me Week!

It’s the week of Halloween and Positive me Week

Here’s the schedule for the week:

Monday-Scare away Bad Health (wear crazy socks)

Tuesday-Scare away drugs (wear a red uniform shirt)

Wednesday-Scare away bullies (show Team Spirit wear a team jersey or t-shirt with your uniform pants)

Thursday-Scare away Negativity (wear a favorite accessory such as a bracelet, necklace, pin, hair bow, belt, tie NO hats)

Friday-Scare up some fun (wear a costume or wear orange)  and Early Out

Please click on this link to give food permissions for the Halloween Party on Friday:

Halloween Food Permission


Math:    This is a great way to practice what we have been doing in class and needs to be used 3 times a week, for at least 15 minutes each time.  This is a great review of what we are doing in class as I assign the problems that your child works on.  We have also been playing PIG and if you would like to substitute any night of  Prodigy for Pig, please feel free to.  There are 30 points given each week for Prodigy and/or Pig.  The rules for Pig can be found here: PIG

20 minutes at least 5 times a week.  It is imperative that your child is participating in reading practice at home.  Studies have shown that the more words a child read, the better their achievement is in all other areas.  We will be starting book talks where the students talk about what they read the night before.  Not only are they given homework points for reading, but they are also given presentation points for being able to stand up and talk about what they read the night before. Reading is worth 100 points each week.

Spelling:  This week is a check up week.  Each group will be taking assesments throughout the week.  With this in mind, there will not be formal sorts for this week. 
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Witches and Bubbles and Writing, OH MY!

A HUGE  Thank You  to all of the parents who helped make the witches happen.  They are all dressed with hair, hats, hands and brooms in place.  If you have the chance, stop by the library window and see who cute they are.

Please remember that Tuesday is our Library day and all books need to be returned to school, even if they are going to renew their books.

This week we will be starting Stellaluna and reading about Candy Corn.  Amazingly, candy corn has a very interesting history.   We will also be learning more about quadrilaterals and their attributes.
If you have not filled out the food permission slip, please take the time to fill out the form below as soon as possible.

Just a reminder, this is a short week and we won’t have school on Friday.  


Math:    This is a great way to practice what we have been doing in class and needs to be used 3 times a week, for at least 15 minutes each time.  This is a great review of what we are doing in class as I assign the problems that your child works on.  We have also been playing PIG and if you would like to substitute any night of  Prodigy for Pig, please feel free to.  There are 30 points given each week for Prodigy and/or Pig.  The rules for Pig can be found here: PIG

20 minutes at least 5 times a week.  It is imperative that your child is participating in reading practice at home.  Studies have shown that the more words a child read, the better their achievement is in all other areas.  We will be starting book talks where the students talk about what they read the night before.  Not only are they given homework points for reading, but they are also given presentation points for being able to stand up and talk about what they read the night before. Reading is worth 100 points each week.

Sorts are assigned on Monday, so this sort should be the regular sort, allowing you to see what the focus for the week is and should be written after sorting.  Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday, you get to choose the sorts.  I have told the students that if they choose the speed sort, to save it for a “busy” night as it does not need to be written.   If you have questions, please don’t be afraid to e-mail me.  Sorts are worth 40 points every week.

When we test on Friday, I choose words with the pattern we have learned throughout the week.  I do not always choose words that were in the sort as we are looking for the use of pattern and their ability to use it in any word with that pattern.

BYU: Sort 5

Utah State:Sort 23
U of U: Sort 34
Weber State: Sort 40
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