Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day Week!

Important Dates to Remember
Mon.  Feb. 9th   Library
Tue.   Feb. 10th Fieldtrip (If you have not returned your signed field trip note, please do so  immediately)
Wed. – Friday Students may bring Valentine’s (Remember, please do not leave anyone out)
Fri. Feb. 13th Valentine’s Day Party 1:45 – 2:45

Homework (Please choose the option that fits your child’s needs)

Option 1 (Recorded On Line, or Fill out the Homework tracker and return)
* Xtramath.org 3 times
* 20 minutes of Reading 5 Nights of the week (There are two papers that you may use for predicting and comprehension check)
* Spelling Sorts

Option 2(Print and Fill out the Homework Tracker)

*Finding Evidence (This should take 2 or 3 nights Reading Homework Feb 9th) The other nights should be 20 minutes of reading
*Math Homework Feb 9
* Spelling Sorts

Spelling Sorts

Packers:  Sort 17
Colts: Sort 44
Seahawks: Sort 5
Patriots:  Sort 25
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Field Trip Permission Slip

Please read and sign field trip permission slip, it can be found with the following link:

Permission Slip Feb 10th
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Last Week of January

Dates to Remember:

Jan. 27th Library
Jan. 28th Will’s 1/2 Birthday
Jan 29th  SEP’s  3:30 to 4:30
Jan. 30th  Emma’s Birthday
                    Early Out 

We have been working hard on our PowerPoints and will be ready to present them this week.  It will be fun to see all that they have accomplished.  

SEP’s are on Thursday night  and I have four open appointments.  If you would like to fill one of those please e-mail and we’ll work out a time to meet with you.

Please choose the option that best fits your child.

Option 1 (Recorded On Line, or Fill out the Homework tracker and return)
* Xtramath.org 3 times
* 20 minutes of Reading each night (You may use the passage that is included in the  at the bottom of this post for one of those nights)
* Spelling Sorts

Option 2(Print and Fill out the Homework Tracker)
Math Worksheets
Reading Comprehension  (This should equal 20 minutes nightly and may be supplemented with self-selected reading)
Spelling Sorts

Homework Tracker
 Cut and save half for next week

Packers:  Sort 15
Colts: Sort 42
Seahawks:Sort 3
Patriots: Sort 22

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Friday the 23rd

Friday is a FREE DRESS DOWN DAY for our 3rd Graders only!  This is for bringing in the most boxtops 3rd Quarter!

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January 20th – 23

Classroom News

January 20th Happy 7/12 Birthday Elizabeth
January 21st   Library
January 29th SEP’s  If you would like to meet with me concerning your child, please e-mail me and we will set appointments. 
February 10th Fieldtrip; Permission Slips and more information will be coming home this week

This week should be relatively quiet and our regular routines should be in place.   
I would like to thank all the parents who provided ice cream and bananas for our activity last Friday.  THANK YOU!  It was a hugs success and fun was had by all!


Homework has become an area of concern for me as a significant number of students are not reporting their reading minutes, and sorts, as well as doing their Xtra math practice.  I am considering changing the homework format for those that are not doing (or hopefully just not recording) the homework as currently outlined.  The change would require the printing of pencil and paper math practice along with reading passages that have comprehension questions.  If this is a better fit for you and your child please let me know or if I notice that individual students are in need of a change, I will contact you. 

Packers: Sort 14
Colts: Sort 41  
Seahawks:Sort 2
Patriots: Sort B
20  Minutes of reading 5 nights and Xtramath.org 3 nights.  If your child has completed XtraMath  please have them do Frontrowed.com, the assigned tab and I will give them items that are assigned according to their needs. 

Power Point Project:  Each student is working on a PowerPoint to go with their research project.  We are going to learn how to include a link or a video in the presentation.  In order to do this, the students need to either have a link that is NOT connected to YouTube, or a short downloaded video that goes with their topic.  They may either bring these on a flashdrive (Warning, these do get lost easily) or you may directly upload them to the student file using the thinclient link. (The directions on how to do this from home is under the For  Students tab or here: ThinLab Directions )  We need these videos by Thursday of this week.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
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Fieldtrip Date Correction and Ice Cream Needs

I am so sorry!  I posted the incorrect date for the next field trip, it will be  Tuesday, FEBRUARY 10th.  I am so sorry if I inconvienced anyone.

We are still in need of 3 more 1/2 gallons of vanilla ice cream !  Thanks so much!
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January 11th – 15th

Important Dates
Jan. 15th  Ice Cream Activity (Please fill out the form below, sorry the link didn’t show on Thursday)
Jan.16th  No School for Students
Jan. 19th No School
Jan. 29th SEP’s 
Jan. 30th Short Day, Dollar Dress Down

Our field trip was a huge success and I want to thank all the parents who joined us for being such a fabulous group.  If you have any pictures that you took and would like us to include in our video of the day, please send them to me at sgoldsberry@questac.org.  If you were not able to go with us, there will other opportunities to come with us in the next few months.  We have another fieldtrip Wednesday, February 11th, so save the date.  They are not limiting us on our adults, so if you are able to come, please plan to.  We have not shared where we’re going with the students yet, so watch for upcoming details.

Homework this week is back to normal sorts, 20 minutes of reading  and xtramath.  

Spelling Sorts (These are new groups)
Please note, some of the groups will be reviewing patterns they have not yet mastered.  I am creating these sorts to match what the students need, and will not follow in numerical order. 

Packers: Sort 13
Colts: Sort 40
Seahawks: Sort 1
Patriots:  Sort A

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Banana Split Activity

Attention!  We are going to be having a Banana Split Activity next Thursday.  It’s a grade wide activity and each class has been assigned a part of the end product.  We have been assigned the vanilla ice cream and bananas for 125 people.   I need  10 parents to volunteer to bring  a 1/2 gallon of vanilla ice cream and 3 parents to bring 15 bananas. If you could help us with either one of these things, please leave a comment.  Also, please check the items your child has permission  to have at this activity.  We could also use some volunteers on Thursday afternoon from 1:30 to 3:00 at this activity.  Thanks in advance for your support!
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Happy New Year!

Important Dates:
Dec. 31st   Happy Birthday Maizic
Jan. 6th    Library
Jan. 9th    Planetarium Fieldtrip

I can’t believe we are already to January in our school year, and we only have 5 months left of school.  We have learned so much, and sill have so much more to accomplish.  We will be working on more reading strategies and opinion writing  all of this week.  We will also be taking the mid-year spelling inventory, and determining what sorts each student needs.  With this in mind, there will be no sorts this week.  We will also be working on our research projects this week.  We will be turning our written rough draft into a finished draft, and then into a power point to be presented in class as an oral presentation.  The majority of this will be done at school.  There may be a minimal amount of editing at home, after we do two to three edits at school.

If you missed the post with the permission slip for the field trip on Friday in it, please scroll down and print the permission slip for Friday’s field trip.  I will take any parent that would like to go, but just need to know by Wednesday so I can plan groups accordingly. Also, please remember that we are asking the students to leave all money at home and for our volunteer parents not to purchase anything in the gift shop or concession stand.  

Homework this week is 20 minutes of reading every night and xtramath.org three times.  Sorts will begin again next week.

Have a great week!

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Field Trip Permission Slip and Information

Please read the attached document, and return the permission slip by Wednesday January 7th. Thanks for your support!
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