Go on a Treasure Hunt in our Quest Library!

The Quest Academy Library is a treasure trove of teaching resources that is yet to be explored by many of us.

I took a little tour of the audio/video section and found some great items to enhance your science and social studies lessons. We get used to looking on the internet for short videos that can enhance our lessons but remember that our very own library has some excellent videos with teacher guides, vocabulary, focus questions and activities. I previewed the Clouds video and found that there is a website you can go to for a cloud experiment. How cool is that? Just attach the activity to your blog and you have a great activity for your students to try at home. Remember that the science topics are grade specific so please do not show a video just to show it —Make sure it goes with your grade level curriculum. Here is just a small sample of the videos available in the Quest Library —   The Civil War is a book with an interactive CD with an hour of video. It is located in the Junior High library and is more appropriate for our older students.Great for Habitats! There are even a few for our English/Language Arts teachers! And one of my favorite video series is America: The Story of Us. I know how busy our teachers are, but it a trip to the library is really worth the effort. Little treasures of information are waiting to be explored! If you can not find what you need just send out an email to Mrs. Erni or Mrs. Baggaley. They are so knowledgeable and ready to help.
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This entry was posted onMarch 13th, 2013 at 6:42 pm. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can Leave a response, or Trackback.

One Response


  1. Cymberly

    Yes, our library has many DVDs, books, magazines, websites, and more to help you. Did you know a school library has to select books to support the core? The purpose of a school library is support the teaching of the core. That reason is why I ask teachers to suggest what they would like to see in the library. Whether it is something to help teachers teach the core or extend a concept beyond the classroom, our collection is there to align with the core.

    Websites? Yes, we can catalog websites so you can depend on finding the same address every year. Unfortunately, I can’t guarantee the site will be there or be the same. Also, many books have website suggestions or additional supportive websites. Just ask us about this option.

    I look forward to seeing you in our library.

    March 13, 2013 10:04 pm | #1 @

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