Field Trip to Antelope Island

Good morning!  Just a reminder that Friday, May 10th, is our class Field Trip.  We are leaving at 9:00.  If you show up after 9:00 you will have to stay with another teacher 🙁  For those parents who are going, there is a $1 charge for you to get in.  We hope that all the parents will be able to fit on the buses.  However, if there is not enough room then you are welcome to drive to Antelope Island.  IF you drive, when you get to the entrance tell the person that you are with our group and you will only have to pay the $1 entrance fee and not the $9 fee the normally charge.  Also, I will be assigning groups of children to you.  Please watch your groups carefully and make sure they follow all the rules. Make sure your child brings a bag lunch with their name written on it.  Soda is against school rules.  No siblings are allowed 🙁
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