Monthly Archives: March 2014

Chaperones for Animal Field Trip

You guys are fast!  🙂  🙂  I took the first 6 volunteers who returned their paper:They are: Emilee’s parentMariah’s parentJacob’s parentCayson’s parentTristen’s parentMakaela’s parentIf we need any other volunteers, I will take them in the order received as well.

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Animal Project

Good morning!  On Friday, your child will be bringing home an Animal Research Fact Sheet.  This sheet will have their name and the animal’s name that they are to research.  This will be their homework assignment for next week.  Please … Continue reading

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Field Trip

Good morning!  2nd Grade will be going on a field trip to America West Heritage Center in Logan on April 23rd.  Please print and return the attached permission slip.  I will only be able to take the first 6 parent … Continue reading

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Permission Slip for Rocks and Minerals activities

Please print and return the attached permission slip as soon as possible.  The students will be using food in our science unit to learn how rocks are formed.rock permission slip

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