Monthly Archives: September 2014

Black Island Farms

We had a wonderful time at Black Island Farms! Who knew that raw cabbage could taste so good! Thank you to all the parents who came along and had fun with us!

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Dress code for Field Trip

On our Friday field trip, please have your child wear a blue or white spirit shirt and jeans/shorts/tennis shoes. If they don’t have a spirit shirt they may wear a red or blue shirt. They will need to pay $1 … Continue reading

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Field Trip Chaperones

Good morning! I am trying to put together the groups for our Field Trip on Friday. If you are going to be a chaperone, please let me know. I am trying to put the kids in groups before Friday. Also, … Continue reading

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The Beekeeper Came!

Did you know that a bee can flap its wings 2000 per second????  We didn’t either.  The beekeeper taught us a lot about bees and their hives!

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Update to homework

Hello!  I’ve included a Weekly Homework sheet under the Homework Assignments.  You can click on this link and fill out your homework form and submit it electronically!  You will not need to bring anything in on Friday.  This link will … Continue reading

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Important Visitor

We are learning about plants this month for science! We are going to do a lot of exciting things including having a Bee Keeper come visit our class. He will be visiting us Wednesday September 17. He will be bringing … Continue reading

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Reading and Math Intervention Requests

If your child received a permission slip to be in an intervention program for Reading or Math, I need those returned tomorrow, Friday, September 12, If you don’t return it, there’s no guarantee that they will hold your child’s spot.

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Bookmark Contest

The class learned about this exciting bookmark contest yesterday during our library time. If your child is interested, please check out this link: Make-Your-Mark-Entry

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Making flowers on KidPix

We are in the middle of our unit on plants. We have learned so much including how to make a picture on Kid Pix! We wish we could go to Kid Pix every day!!

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Corrected permission slip for field trip

Reposted the permission slip for our 09/26/2014 field trip to Black Island Farm. This one has the correct date(s) on it. Field trip permission

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