Monthly Archives: November 2014

2nd Grade Baskets

Please think about voting for our 2nd Grade baskets! 1 vote=$1.00!!

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Football Turkeys

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Jackets and Coats

Just a reminder that it is getting cold outside. Your child needs to have a jacket everyday so that they don’t freeze, or get sick, when they are outside.

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Book Fair

Book Fair Hours Monday 11/17-Thursday 11/20 Mon-Wed 8 am – 330 pm Thurs 8 am – 630 pm (SEP night) Shop online Nov 12 – Dec 2 at our online fair! Orders ship free directly to the school. Elementary online … Continue reading

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Grand Lunch

GRAND LUNCH- kids love to show off their school to adults (friends and family) Please don’t let them miss out on this great opportunity! The Book Fair Committee will be hosting a “Grand Lunch” for students during the book fair … Continue reading

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2nd Grade Holiday Gift Baskets

It’s competition time! The 2nd grade team has decided that the theme for our basket(s) will be the University of Utah or BYU. To make this happen, we need some donations from family/friends. Be creative and fun with the donations … Continue reading

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Halloween Party!

A big THANKS to our parents who made our party so much fun!!

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Just a reminder

that the turkeys are due no later than Friday. This does count as a grade so let’s get those turkeys in!

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