2nd Grade Holiday Gift Baskets

It’s competition time! The 2nd grade team has decided that the theme for our basket(s) will be the University of Utah or BYU. To make this happen, we need some donations from family/friends. Be creative and fun with the donations so that they will fit our theme. Think of what you would use if you went to a tailgate party, if you sat in the stands, or if you wanted to wear something representative of the school. Feel free to ask companies for donations, purchase items, or re-gift items. All donations are due no later than Wednesday, November 12, 2014. The baskets will be on display Nov. 17-20, 2014. The drawing for the “People’s Choice” basket will be on Friday, November 21. Please help us out by donating something from the U of U or BYU. Remember, you can donate “gently used” items! Thanks for your help!
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