Class Halloween Party

Good morning!

Our class Halloween Party will be on Friday, October 30th from 12:00-12:55.  4 of the 2nd grade classes will be doing a Halloween Party Rotation.  What that means is that each class will be in charge of 1 of the rotations.  Each class will rotate between the classes about every 10 minutes.  Our class has been chosen to be the “Scary Class”.  Basically we need to bring in items that the students can touch/feel but not see.  This should be similar to what you would find in a haunted house.  For example, cold spaghetti that feels like brains.  If you have any suggestions, or would like to help with this, please let me know.  On Friday, October 9th, I will send an email to those who respond and they can get together and plan.  If you have any questions, please contact me 🙂
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4 Responses to Class Halloween Party

  1. Brittney Hale says:

    I can help! I actually did a mad scientist lab just like this last year for a party and have a cute set up we can use… different ways to display different items.

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