Monthly Archives: October 2015

Game Day

Our class will have a Game Day on 10/22/15 at 2:00 (The last hour of the day).  Your child may bring a board game to play with his friends.  Please don’t send video games, electronic games, or games that may … Continue reading

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No Homework this week!

There will not be any Word Sort homework this week. However, please read 20 minutes each day and work on your math facts! Have a great Fall Break!

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Making Anemometers

Do you know what an Anemometer is or what it does?  Our class does!  Using 2 craft sticks, 4 Dixie Cups, 1 thumbtack and a pencil, they had  to figure out how to make this wind speed device work.  Once … Continue reading

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Halloween Kidpix

Today in Stem Lab, the class began learning to use Kidpix. They created Halloween Art-pretty good, huh? Kidpix is available on our MAC computers and they LOVED it!

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Class Halloween Party

Good morning!Our class Halloween Party will be on Friday, October 30th from 12:00-12:55.  4 of the 2nd grade classes will be doing a Halloween Party Rotation.  What that means is that each class will be in charge of 1 of … Continue reading

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