Monthly Archives: December 2015

December STEM Challenge

Our December STEM Challenge was to make toys from junk.  I think our students were pretty  clever at making these fun toys.IMG_1469 IMG_1470IMG_1471

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Library STEM Assignment

Good morning!  In today’s mail, your student will be bringing home letter about making a Diversity Quilt as part of their  STEM requirements.  Please take the time to complete this with your child and send it back by January 8th. Thank … Continue reading

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Homework for Dec. 14-Dec. 18

The only homework your child has tis week is to read for 20minutes and practice their math facts.

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December STEM Challenge

December’s STEM Challenge is to Make Toys from Trash.  Each student will be doing this challenge on their own.  We will work on this in class next Wednesday (December 9).  Prior to December 9th, have your child look around your home for things that … Continue reading

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