Monthly Archives: March 2016

Important Papers

Hello!In Friday’s mail, your child will be bringing home a copy of the directions for making their diorama.  The diorama is due on or before April 11, 2016.  This will be a grade so it is important that your child … Continue reading

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Recycling cans

The last day to bring in cans to be recycled is Friday, April 7.  Please help us earn money so that we may plant new trees at our school.                    

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Pirates of Penzance musical

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Build a fence for Old MacDonald’s animals

Our STEM Challenge this week was to build a fence to keep Old MacDonald’s animals in.  They had 20 minutes as a group to plan,design, and build their fence.  They had lots of fun doing this challenge!

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Scales and Tails

Here are some pictures of our wonderful assembly of Scales and Tails!

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Words Their Way-Week of March 14

There will be no spelling homework this week. Stay tuned for next week’s new words. 🙂

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Friday-Spirit shirt day

Good morning!  Because we ran out of Spirit shirts to sell, your child may wear a “team shirt” instead if they don’t have a spirit shirt.

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Can static electricity move a coke can?

Ms. Blok’s class used balloons and aluminum cans to see if a static electric charge could move a can.IMG_1537IMG_1538

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Animal Reports

Please check the Homework Assignment tab for information on your child’s animal Report.  They need to begin getting their animal’s information and writing it on the attached paper.  If you have any questions please let me know.

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American West Heritage Center Field Trip

Parents,Please sign the attached permission slip for American West Heritage Center.  We will be going on Friday, April 15th.  Each class can have 5 chaperones but no siblings are allowed to come.  Please pay the $4 donation fee to the … Continue reading

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