Classroom News

We have started our final quarter in 2nd grade.  We will be working on many different things this quarter-a few of which we will be inviting our parents to come and see.  Because this is such a busy quarter, please have your child arrive at school on time.  Even 15 minutes late makes them have to miss something else in order to “catch up” with the rest of the class.  I do understand that there are doctors and dentists visits that can’t be changed, but please try to make sure that they are here unless they are sick.

Our final field trip is scheduled for April 25th and will be here at the school.  We will have Scales and Tails here for the 2nd graders.  They will bring many different animals for the 2nd grade classes to hold, etc.  If your child shouldn’t touch an animal because of allergies, etc. please let me know.  A permission slip will be sent home soon.  This will be an in-school field trip, so no siblings or parents are invited due to space restrictions..  We will take many pictures to post on our blogs 🙂  

If you have any questions, please let me know.
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