Black Island Farms Field Trip

2nd grade will be visiting Black Island Farms on Tuesday, October 1st.  We will be leaving Quest at approximately 9:00.  Your child needs to bring a sack lunch (that can be completely thrown away).  Remember not to bring foods that need to be heated up or soda.  We are asking for a $5 donation per child.  You may pay this in the office.  Also, if you would like to go on the field trip, then you need to pay the $4 entrance fee to the office PRIOR TO Thursday, September 26th.  We need to pay in advance, to avoid standing in line, the chaperone fee.  Unfortunately, if you can’t pay the $4 chaperone fee in advance, you will need to pay at the site which means you may be standing in a very long line.  All chaperones/parents must either carpool with someone or drive themselves.  There just isn’t enough room on the buses.
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