Author Archives: teri.blok

Summer Coding Challenge

Fill out the form for each student who would like to do the Code Summer Challenge. Anyone who completes all the steps to the challenge will get to choose an origami they will receive when they return to school in … Continue reading

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Pajama Day

2nd Grade will be having Pajama Day on the last day of school (05/26)  🙂

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Last Week of School

Monday, May 22-Video Day.  We will watch a video.Tuesday, May 23-Wild About Learning Day.  Bring a fun fact to share about your favorite “wild” animal.Wednesday, May 24-x-tea Nice Day.  We will do something nice for another class.  YOUR CHILD WILL … Continue reading

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There will be no more homework starting the week of May 15th.  Please still have your child read for 20 minutes each day!

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Week of 05/15-05/19

Monday, May 15th-Q-Quickest Day.  We will have a class olympics outside.Tuesday, May 16th-R-Read a thin day-Bring a book and get ready to read.Wednesday, Mau 17-S-STEM Experiments-Get ready for some science fun!Thursday, May 18-T-Thankful Day-We will write a letter to the … Continue reading

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May 8-May 12

Monday, May 8 is L-Laughing Day.  Come prepared to share an appropriate joke with the class.Tuesday, May 9 is M-Marker Day.  We can do all of our assignments in marker for the day.Wednesday, May 10 is N-Nice Note Day.  Students … Continue reading

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ABC Countdown

May 1-“G”-Game Day. Bring a board game to  play.  Games will be kept in a safe place during the day and will be played during the last 30 minutes of school.May 2- “H”-Hat Day-Your child may bring a hat to … Continue reading

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Apple for the Teacher

Who is the local teacher who’s had the greatest impact on you or your child — the one who works hard and goes above and beyond every day to inspire students and help them grow?The Standard Examiner wants to know … Continue reading

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Updated info for Thursday and Friday

Thursday will now be Experiment Day.Friday will be Fun in theSun Day (please don’t bring stuffed animals :))

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B-Bragging Day.  Come to class with a show and tell, or a special story about yourself.  This will be the ONLY DAY for show and tell.C–Celebrating Your Friends-You will write a letter to a friend telling him/her what you appreciate … Continue reading

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