Pennies for Peace

Good morning!  

This is the last week that we will be collecting pennies for our Pennies for Peace project.  If you have any spare pennies you would like to send in, make sure that they are here before Friday.  Also, if you have any coin wrappers (mainly pennies) that you could send in, we would appreciate it!

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Diorama Pics

Here are a few pics of our amazing dioramas!

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April Stem Project

In April, our STEM Project is building jungle gyms, twisty slides, and a working swing set for our pet rocks.  If you can send in any of these supplies by Wednesday, April 19th, it would be extremely appreciated!

popsicle sticks (thick and thin)
empty paper towel rolls/toilet paper rolls

Thank you!!

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April Events

We are almost to the end of April and “things” will start happening quickly.  Please ready this entry to make sure  that you don’t miss something important 🙂 


*A permission slip was sent home with your child on Friday, April 14th. This permission slip is the authorization for our upcoming Snails and Tails in-school field trip as well as authorization for your child to use/eat food in our Rock Unit.  We will “mine” for ore, build rocks, etc. all using different food items.  Without your authorization, your child can not participate in the “food” portion.  Please return this permission slip BEFORE Friday, April 21.

Friday, April 21 begins our Alphabet Countdown to the end of the year.  Friday is “A” day and we will do and art project to represent the letter A.

*  We are beginning our end of the year testing in spelling, reading, writing, and math.  Please make sure your child is here and on time so we are not scrambling to find time to test them.  We usually try do the testing in the morning so any doctor/dentist visits that could be scheduled after 11:00 would be appreciated.
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Diorama’s are due on April 10!

A  copy of the following will be going home on Friday.

Each student will create a diorama (a scenic representation in which sculpted figures and lifelike details are displayed) showing his/her selected animal in a three dimensional representation of its habitat.  To create the diorama project, a shoe box or other small box may be used as the space for the animal’s home or territory.  Students may use plastic or vinyl toys for their animal, or mold one from clay.  Materials such as magazines (for photos), silk or plastic plants, popsicle sticks, glue, construction paper, and other craft items may be used.  Creativity is encouraged.  PLEASE only help your child when necessary.


* A recreation of the appropriate habitat of the animal
* A small model of the selected animal
* At least one other animal that would be found in this habitat
* 3D pictures or objects to show the plants and the environment.

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Classroom News

We have started our final quarter in 2nd grade.  We will be working on many different things this quarter-a few of which we will be inviting our parents to come and see.  Because this is such a busy quarter, please have your child arrive at school on time.  Even 15 minutes late makes them have to miss something else in order to “catch up” with the rest of the class.  I do understand that there are doctors and dentists visits that can’t be changed, but please try to make sure that they are here unless they are sick.

Our final field trip is scheduled for April 25th and will be here at the school.  We will have Scales and Tails here for the 2nd graders.  They will bring many different animals for the 2nd grade classes to hold, etc.  If your child shouldn’t touch an animal because of allergies, etc. please let me know.  A permission slip will be sent home soon.  This will be an in-school field trip, so no siblings or parents are invited due to space restrictions..  We will take many pictures to post on our blogs 🙂  

If you have any questions, please let me know.
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Event happening this week!

Wednesday will be our class prize (they know that it’s ice cream….if they keep behaving as well as they have been :)).  If your child cannot eat ice cream please let me know and I will get them something different.
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Just a reminder that the Animal Research papers are due Monday.  They will begin working on their power points this week so please make sure it is here 🙂
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On Thursday, March 2, our class will do our Read Across America Read-a-thon in our classroom.  Your child may bring a book, blanket, and pillow if they would like to use them. Unfortunately, they will not be able to share pillow or blankets for hygienic reasons.   The read-a-thin will be from 2:00-3:00.
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March is our Animal Unit in science.  This is a very busy unit as it involves your child doing research, creating  a PowerPoint, and making a diorama.  In Friday’s mail you will find a letter explaining what your child will be doing, along with a report outline and a parent signature paper to return signed. Please check your child’s backpack on Friday for this information.
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