2nd Grade Clubs

Second grade will be starting a yoga/meditation/small movement club on Tuesday, January 10th. The club will be on Tuesdays for the month of January from 3:10 to 3:40.
It will be on a first come, first serve basis. The first 20 students to sign up will be admitted to the club at this time. Those in the club will be allowed to bring comfortable clothing to change in to for the club.
Second grade teachers
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December’s Stem Project-Toys from Trash

December’s Stem Challenge is to make a toy from trash/junk that your child finds at home.  They can  create a new game or copy one that has already been made.  Please have them bring in everything they will need to make their toy asap. Some things “considered junk” could include coffee filters, cupcake liners, duct tape, plastic silverware, etc.   Please put their .”junk” in a plastic bag with their name on it so it won’t get misplaced.
If you have any questions, please let me know 🙂
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Christmas Around the World

Good afternoon!  In second grade, we due a unit called Christmas Around the World.  The class learns about different customs and foods from different places in the world.  Part of this exciting unit is that we bring food in from some of the countries so that the kids can see and taste the differences.  Please sign the attached permission slip ASAP!  We will begin our first country on Friday and I need all the permission slips or your child can’t have any “treats”. 

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Surprise Treat for the Class (it’s a secret)

Today was our math test on chapter 6 and they did great!  17 students in our class got 100s!!!  To honor how hard everyone has worked, I will bring in sugar cookies for the class.  This is a secret so please don’t let them know!!!!  I need you to sign the permission slip or your child can’t have a cookie 🙁  If you have any questions, please let me know!  Remember……it’s a secret!

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Pennies for Peace

Each year, the Second Grade classes come  up with a service project that will have a lasting impact on our students.  This year we have decided to use Penniesforpeace.org as our service project.  This organization is a nonprofit organization that works with communities in remote areas of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan to promote eduction, especially for girls.  Penniesforpeace.org was started by elementary students in Wisconsin as a way to build schools in remote areas of Afghanistan.  
Did you know that in the USA, a penny won’t even buy a piece of gum?  In Pakistan, a penny will buy a pencil and a dollar will pay a child’s education for a month!  $500 will pay a teacher’s salary for a year! Please go to the website and watch the videos.  A great book to read is Listen to the Wind by Greg Mortenson.  Mr. Mortenson was the person who began the building of the schools and he continues his work today.  Have your child bring in their pennies and we will help build a school for children who have nothing.  Thank you for all your help to make this an amazing service project for our second graders!
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Gift Basket Fundraiser

Good morning!  Just a reminder to send in any arts/crafts items that you have purchased for our class gift basket!  Please read the flyer for all the details!

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Can you find Mango?

Look and see if you can find her.  She’s in there somewhere…..mango
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Halloween Pix

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Classroom Holiday Fundraising Baskets

holiday-fundraising-baskets-poqa  Our class will be making a basket full of things that you could use for arts and crafts.  This could include paints, crayons, paper, scissors, paint brushes, arts/craft kits, and the list goes on.  Please be creative and donate to our class basket.  Items may be brought in anytime up to  November 29th.

The students 
will be able to purchase small trinkets and vote for their favorite baskets.  The money raised will go towards field trips, clubs, and other exciting things!

Please donate to help our class have a fantastic basket!
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Halloween Party Permission SLip

Please sign and submit the Halloween Party Permission slip.  Your child  will not be able to eat at the party without this slip being signed.

Thank you!
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