Positive Me Week

Monday-  Scare Away Negativity
                    Students may wear their favorite accessory (jewelry, ties, hair bows, etc.  NO HATS).

Tuesday- Scare Away Drugs
                   Students wear their red polos.

Wednesday- Scare Away Bad Health
                         Students may wear crazy socks

Thursday- Scare Away Bullies
                      Students may wear their favorite team jersey/t-shirt

Friday- Halloween Parade 9:00-10:00 Q2  


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No Homework For October 17-19, 2016

There will be no homework next week due to Fall Break! Have a great time off 🙂

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Family Turkey Project

Good morning!

Today your child will bring home their Family Turkey Project.  This is a craft project that I do every year.  The idea is to disguise your turkey so that it doesn’t get eaten on Thanksgiving.  The turkey has the directions attached.  Please recreative and have fun!  The Turkey is due on November 1 but you can bring it in earlier if it is completed.
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Food Diary

Just a reminder that your child’s Food Diary is due Friday.  Thanks for having them bring it back!
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Monday’s Fieldtrip

Just a reminder:  We will be leaving at 9:30 from the school.  Parents who are not chaperones may meet us there.  Chaperones, please stop by the class so I can give you your kids names and they can meet you.  Chaperones may then meet us at the Farm.  Please have your child in a red polo shirt with a home lunch (no microwave will be available).  We will return back to school around 1:00.
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Field Trip and other exciting things!

Good morning!  Just a reminder that our Field Trip is on Monday, October 10th.  If you haven’t paid for your child or yourself, please stop by the office.  remember, no siblings are allowed on this trip.  Also, on the hay ride, student, teachers, and the 5 chaperones from each class, are guaranteed a space.  All other parents/relatives can go on the hayride only if there is enough room.  Please have your child wear their red pool shirt and bring a jacket.  Please have their name written on their home lunch–no sodas please!

Your child will be bringing home  a food diary worksheet.  They need to write down all the food they eat for a week and then bring it back  on Tuesday, October 11th.  If you have any questions, please let me know.
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Field Trip has been Rescheduled

Friday’s weather calls for rain 🙁 .  We have had to reschedule Black Island Farms to October 10, 2016 from 9:30-1:00.  If you had been scheduled to go as a chaperone, you may still go.  I know the kids are disappointed, but October will be here soon enough.

Ms. Blok
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Class Reminders

.  If you have not submitted your permission slip for the field trip, please do so ASAP.  Also,  all $ needs to be turned into the office.  And finally, no  siblings may go on the trip and parents/chaperones aren’t allowed to ride on the bus.

In-Class Parent volunteers will start the week of September 19.  I do need 1-2 volunteers who could help out on Thursday from 1:40-2:30ish.  I will take the first 2 who resond 🙂
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Black Island Farms Field Trip on September 23

2nd grade will be going on a field trip to the Pumpkin Patch at Black Island Farms on September 23rd.  We will be leaving the school between 9:00 and 9:30 and returning by 1:00.  Your child will need to bring a sack lunch with their name on it (please nothing that needs to be heated up or stored in the refrigerator).  We are asking for  a $5 donation per child to help cover the cost of the bus and  the pumpkins 🙂  Please pay the office before the day of the trip.  Each classs will be allowed 5 chaperones (first 5 parents who sign the permission slip).  Each parent who goes needs to pay $3.50 to the office.  The first 5 parents in each class are guaranteed a spot on the hay wagon trip.  Unfortunately, if there is not enough room on the wagons, the remaining parents will have to wait at the playground for the kids to return. 

Unfortunately, siblings are not allowed on this field trip.

If you have any questions, please let me know.  Make sure you fill out the online permission slip.


Ms. Blok
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Our week in school

Today was the end of our first complete week in 2nd grade!  We are still working through our beginning of year tests.  We have completed Spelling and are 1/2 way done with being leveled for our Reading Groups.  Some of your kids are real troopers-they had to read 5 books to find their “independent” and their “instructional” levels.  We will be working hard on reading comprehension.  The class is fluent in reading words but more than a few need additional help on comprehension.  This will be our focus for a while.  Math testing will be completed Monday  morning.  That leave only Dibels and 10 students to finish leveling in Reading.
This week begins our STEM project on a plant  In Science, we begin our Plant unit & begin STEM LAB.  We will work on our Spelling and Sorting in class.  Homework this week will be to Read 20 minutes nightly and work on math fact mastery on Front Row.  Spelling will be added to the homework the following week. Please check on the BLOG to see the forms to be submitted.  Homework will count as a grade.  If you have any questions, please let me know 🙂
Finally, September 23 will be our first field trip to Black Island Farms.  I will let you know asap when the permission slip is online.

See you Monday!
Ms. Blok
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