100th Day was so much fun!!

The class had fun looking at all the different things that were brought in 🙂  I would like to thank Jackson for bringing in his puzzle~the class loved putting it together.

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Souper bowl of caring

We’ve decided to extend our “Souper Bowl of Caring” food drive through Tuesday, February 9th in an attempt to collect more items to donate. Also, Dr. Dave, Mr. Tippetts, and Mrs. Barlow have decided what they’re willing to do for their “Wacky Dares” if we reach some goals! If we have at least 250 items donated, they will wear a costume (perhaps even their Star Wars costumes again). If we have at least 500 items donated, they will take part in a Karaoke contest! Finally, if we reach 750 items donated, they will have to participate in a Fear Factor eating challenge! Please look through your pantries, and if you have anything you’re willing to part with for a good cause, send it in!

Thanks so much,

Mrs. Ingersoll
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Valentine’s Party

Our Valentine’s Day Party is on February 12th from 1:40-2:50 pm.  Please let me know ASAP if you would like to help at the party–we need 2-3 more volunteers.  🙂  Attached is the class list.  

Class Valentines List

If your child plans to hand out Valentine’s make sure that they have one for everyone in the class.   I don’t want anyone’s feelings hurt if they don’t receive a card.  

We will also be making Valentine’s Envelopes in class so they will not need to bring a valentine’s box from home 🙂

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2nd Grade Gala Basket

2nd Grade Basket

Posted on January 27, 2016
We get to create a basket to auction off at the Quest Gala in March. Second grade has chosen to do a themed basket called “Movie Night”. This basket will be assembled with donations from the families of second grade students. We need your donations in order to fill the basket! It can be things like movies, candy, popcorn, soda, movie tickets, etc. Be creative and start bringing items in to donate! We really appreciate your help with this! Start bringing stuff in now!

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100 Day Reminder

Just a reminder that the 100th day of school is on February 3rd.  If your child would like to participate,  he/she can bring a collection of 100 things that they would like to share.  They really enjoy this day so please try to have them bring something.
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2nd Grade Updates-please read!

We get to do another Service Learning Project!

We would like to collect Aluminum Cans to recycle, then buy a few trees to plant at our school!

Does anyone have a large, clean garbage can that we can use to store our cans?
Maybe something like this?    trashcan
I’d like to be able to NEATLY collect cans. Let me know if you have one we can use for the classroom for a few months. Thank you!

In the meantime, start bringing in aluminum cans that we can recycle. Thanks so much!
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100 Days

Our 100th Day Celebration will be on February 3rd.  Please have our child bring in a collection of 100 “things” to present to the class on that day.  They “things” don’t have to be fancy or expensive.  I’ve seen 100 raisins, 100 Legos, 100 pennies, etc.  Thanks!

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IMG_3783 copy2nd grade won the BOX TOP Collection!  We received a prize of assorted balls for use during afternoon recess 🙂  We also ge a dress down day.  We have chosen this Friday, January 22, to be our Dress Down Day.  We are allowing them to dress down in pajamas!  Please be sure your child’s pajamas are suitable for school and the winter weather since they will be going outside.  They need to have sleeves and they need to wear tennis shoes.  Congratulations!!
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Creating a shovel in 2nd grade

Our STEM Challenge this month is to create a shovel to dig for gold. Their materials included cardboard, popsicle sticks, paper, tape, and lots of imagination. We have completed the Plan (drew our designs) and Create (made our first attempt at a shovel) sections already. Next week we will revise our shovels and see if they can get gold. IMG_1474 IMG_1476IMG_1480IMG_1485
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Just a reminder

that your child will need a highlighter starting this week. Also, we will be beginning our stem challenge (building a shovel to dig for gold). The items they may bring to school and use in building their shovel are listed in the blog. Since this is graded, please make sure that your child will have the proper supplies.
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