Highlighters needed


Please make sure that your child has a highlighter beginning Monday.  We will begin using them in reading (for highlighting where we find our answers) and in other ways.  This is also how they do their reading comprehension in 3rd grade so it’s a great chance for them to get ahead of the game.
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January STEM Challenge.

“I Found My Lost Treasure Map but I Have No Way to Dig it Up!”

Please have your child look around your home and see if they can bring some of these supplies.  They will start designing/building/constructing their shovels next week.

        *Copy Paper
        *construction Paper
        *Aluminum foil
        * Popsicle/Craft Sticks
        * Straws
        *Small cardboard pieces
        *Large cardboard Pieces
        *Scotch tape/Masking tap/Duct Tape

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Library Diversity Quilt Project

Parents please read:

Hello all,

Could you please help me in reminding your students that the squares for the Diversity Quilt are due this Friday the 8th. Also, let them know that this is an assignment from the library & they are expected to do this. Some of you have opted to grade this assignment which will help in getting them back. If you choose not to that’s entirely up to you, just as long as the students know it still needs to be turned in.

I have had several students already today tell me they never got one, their mother threw it away, (my fav.), or they have lost it. I do have extras to hand out but not 700 extras. Please ask them to really look before they get another one from me. Once they extras are gone I will not cut up new ones.

Thank you so much for helping me with this.
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Spelling Groups

Good morning and Happy New Year!!!

Make sure that you check the Spelling Groups on the Homework Assignments page.  The groups have changed 🙂
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December STEM Challenge

Our December STEM Challenge was to make toys from junk.  I think our students were pretty  clever at making these fun toys.




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Library STEM Assignment

Good morning!  In today’s mail, your student will be bringing home letter about making a Diversity Quilt as part of their  STEM requirements.  Please take the time to complete this with your child and send it back by January 8th. 
Thank you!
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Homework for Dec. 14-Dec. 18

The only homework your child has tis week is to read for 20minutes and practice their math facts.
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December STEM Challenge

December’s STEM Challenge is to Make Toys from Trash.  Each student will be doing this challenge on their own.  We will work on this in class next Wednesday (December 9).  Prior to December 9th, have your child look around your home for things that would be considered “junk”.  They need to bring in whatever “junk” that they would like to make a toy out of.  Please don’t have them make the toy at home.  This is an in-class challenge. 🙂  Here are some things that they may consider trash STEMChristmasProject.  

**Toys must be safe and not considered a weapon**
**Must be made entirely from items considered “junk”**

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The Best Apple Bobber Award goes to….

Jasmine, Walker, Tyler, Gracey, and Lillian!  They designed and built the Apple Bobber that actually picked up an apple from the water!  Great Job Guys!!  The class loves these challenges and “thinking out of the box”.

These 2 videos show them building their bobber and trying it out.  This was so much fun that we can’t wait for December’s project!

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Music Class

We love our music teacher!  We are learning Thanksgiving songs and how to play instruments!

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