Family Turkey Project

Tomorrow I will be sending home the Family Turkey Project.   This project is for you and your child to disguise a turkey so that he doesn’t get eaten for Thanksgiving.  You can decorate the turkey using any material you want.  I do ask, however, that you don’t just color him.  It’s so fun to see the costumes that the students come up with!  In the past, we have had turkeys decorated as football players, ballerinas, Darth Vader, Elvis, and many others.  This project is due on or before November 6, 2015.

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Halloween Permission Slip

Halloween Permission Slip
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Halloween Parade and Festivities

Please read the attached email regarding the Halloween Parade and Festivities.  Our class party will be from 12:00-1:00.  If you have any questions about appropriate Halloween costumes for the Parade please ask the office.

Halloween Information

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2nd Grade Service Learning Project

Good morning!

Last week I posted about the 2nd Grade’s Service Learning Project.  The post included a link to the letter explaining the project and the donations needed to help achieve this project.  Unfortunately, we haven’t received any donations 🙁 so I will be including the link again and sending a copy of the letter home on Thursday.  Please, if you can, donate so that we can show the students how important it is to help without getting anything back in return.  If you would like to see the website of the organization we will be donating the chew toys to, please go to

Service Learning Project

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Service Learning Project

Second graders will be participating in 2 (two) Service Learning Projects this year.  The students will be working together to help foster dogs by making chew toys for them.  Please read the attached flyer and send in whatever you can.  It will be greatly appreciated by the students and the dogs!

Service Learning Project
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Game Day

Our class will have a Game Day on 10/22/15 at 2:00 (The last hour of the day).  Your child may bring a board game to play with his friends.  Please don’t send video games, electronic games, or games that may be very special to your child (in case it gets damaged).
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No Homework this week!

There will not be any Word Sort homework this week. However, please read 20 minutes each day and work on your math facts! Have a great Fall Break!
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Making Anemometers

Do you know what an Anemometer is or what it does?  Our class does!  Using 2 craft sticks, 4 Dixie Cups, 1 thumbtack and a pencil, they had  to figure out how to make this wind speed device work.  Once they were done, we went outside to see how fast the wind was blowing,  Unfortunately, there was no wind…but they had a great time making the anemometer!

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Halloween Kidpix

Today in Stem Lab, the class began learning to use Kidpix. They created Halloween Art-pretty good, huh? Kidpix is available on our MAC computers and they LOVED it! kidpix
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Class Halloween Party

Good morning!

Our class Halloween Party will be on Friday, October 30th from 12:00-12:55.  4 of the 2nd grade classes will be doing a Halloween Party Rotation.  What that means is that each class will be in charge of 1 of the rotations.  Each class will rotate between the classes about every 10 minutes.  Our class has been chosen to be the “Scary Class”.  Basically we need to bring in items that the students can touch/feel but not see.  This should be similar to what you would find in a haunted house.  For example, cold spaghetti that feels like brains.  If you have any suggestions, or would like to help with this, please let me know.  On Friday, October 9th, I will send an email to those who respond and they can get together and plan.  If you have any questions, please contact me 🙂
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