Business Partnership Letter

Good morning!  As you may have heard, Quest is adding  a STEM endorsement to our school.  We are looking for business’ who would like to work with our to achieve our goal.  Please read the attached letter.  If you, or someone you know, would be interested in helping us, please let us know.

Business Letter
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How Are We Doing?

Parents, now that we have been in school for a month, I want to know how things are going. Please take a moment to fill out the survey below to help me better your child’s experience here at school every day!

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Library Challenge

Please read the attached Library Challenge.  I know that we  can WIN this challenge!

TOB Letter to teachers 2nd-5th-6
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Thank you for hanging in there while we got my blog to work with Google Drive.  Because of the delay, I will not count homework this week.  Please go in and check out what has changed so that you are prepared for next week.  There will be a Spelling test tomorrow.
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Just an FYI-Homework for today, Monday, will only be the word sorts.  Hopefuly I’ll be able to upload everything else tomorrow.  Keep your fingers crossed 🙂
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Field trip Reminders


Tomorrow is our field trip to the Pumpkin Patch.  Here are a few reminders:

*Please have your child wear a red school polo if they have one.  If they don’t have a red one, they can wear the white or blue polo.  School dress code applies so make sure you are wearing a school uniform.

*Please put your child’s lunch in either a brown bag or plastic bag with their name on it.  There is no microwave so please don’t send anything that has to be heated.  Also, no soda.

*If you are chaperoning, you may sign your child out at the end of the field trip and they may go home.  You must sign out with me before you leave.

*The classes will not be going in the maze.  It’s hard to round them all up when we need to go to the next activity.

*Parents, a reminder that we can’t let you ride on the bus.  You can follow the bus, meet us there, or carpool with other parents.

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Apple Experiment

In science, we have been working on our Plant Unit.  We wanted to find out if apples would turn brown if they were covered up with different materials so that the air wouldn’t reach them.  We covered them with table salt, epsom, salt, or baking soda.  After being in the dark for 3 days, we looked at what had happened.  Some turned “juicy”, some turned “moldy”, and some were just “gross”!

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Christmas Family Portraits

Christmas Family Portrait Event
is back at Quest!

What is it?
It is a fundraiser put on by the Technology Department
 to earn money for STEM Clubs this year! For example, we are going to participate in Lego Robotic Competitions, Cyberpatriot ones and more!

How does it work?
We have invited Toni J Studios back to our school! She is an award winning photographer and has been a photographer for over 20 years. Sitting Fees can cost anywhere from $50-$300 depending on where and who takes your picture right? Well, Toni J is only going to only charge $25 for her sitting fee for us, and guess what???? She is going to donate the FULL $25 to Quest Academy! She is willing to take all of our portraits for FREE those three nights and give us that money. She is also going to donate a percentage of the portrait sales to us!!! This fundraiser is so AWESOME because we do not have to put any money out. It is straight profit for us!
Step 1. Please print the ticket (or check your child’s back pack, one should be coming home tonight) fill out the ticket and return it to the office with your child’s name and the $25 (you can put it in an envelope and your child’s teacher will give it to the office) – please write your checks out to Quest Academy. Next, call the number on the ticket and book your appt. (October 1,2 or 3) Please do this before Sept. 25th so we can get an idea on how many time slots we need those nights :).

Step 2. Come and get your Family Portrait taken on the date you booked. They will be doing them in the Q1 gym.

Step 3. Toni J and staff will come back to Quest and you will come in to proof your portraits and order your prints. These prints are HIGH quality and will be retouched. The packages run from $89 -$259 and we promise you will be happy. You can ask any of us that have used her in our past fundraisers. She has unique Christmas Cards for you to order and all of your portraits will be ready in time to deliver for Christmas gifts!!!

As easy as that right?

Look at your family portrait at home and ask yourself if it is time to update it and help Quest be able to start some engaging clubs for your children ALL at the same time! It’s the perfect time of year to do it and for a great cause.

The Technology Department is going to provide a Pizza Party for the class that sells the most Sitting Fee’s. Remember, to share this with your extended family as well, it is not only for Students at Quest.

Thank you in advance! We have a slideshow up in Q1 with some samples, we also have some samples in the Q1 Mac Lab and some images on FB if you haven’t checked them out yet!
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Bee Keeper and Fruit Experiment

IMG_1312 We are so grateful that the Beekeeper came to show us his hive!  There are 1000s of bees in this hive!!  We also did an apple experiment to see what happens topples that are left out for several days.  We covered them in table salt, epsom salt, and baking soda.  After 3 days, it was a smelly success!IMG_1314
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We are planning to go to Black Island Farms on September 21st. We will be leaving the school at 9:15 in the morning and returning at approximately 1:30. Each child will need a sack lunch, that does not need to be heated, and a water bottle. We will be walking through a farm, learning about vegetables, picking our own pumpkins and doing activities in a field so please dress your child in appropriate shoes that day. It is not a dress down day so the students will need to be in uniform. If your child has a red uniform shirt, please dress him/her in that color. Due to the high cost of transportation- we are asking, and pleading, for a $5 donation from each child. This needs to be paid to the office by September 15th. We can have parents meet us at the farm as chaperones. Parents will need to pay the office $3.50 by the 15th if they plan to attend. Also, please let me know if you will be attending.Please NO siblings!

Click here for permission slip 
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