Special Visitor

We are learning about plants this month for science! We are going to do a lot of exciting things including having a Bee Keeper come visit our class. He will be visiting us Thursday September 10. He will be bringing in a clear observation hive with live honeybees and he will talk about the process of pollinating plants. The bees are completely contained and the students love to see them at work. If you are uncomfortable having your child in the classroom at this time, please let me know and I can arrange something/somewhere they can be for this period of time.

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I have posted the homework for the week of August 31-September 4th.  Please look it over and let me know if  you have any questions.
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Hi! Tomorrow is the start of the 2nd week of school. During this week I will continue assessing the class in math, reading, spelling, and writing. Once this is complete, they will be placed in reading and spelling groups. Homework will begin the 3rd week of school. Your child can practice their math facts (addition 1-10) and they can also begin reading for 20 minutes nightly now. IF you have any questions, please let me know.
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Class Disclosure

The first day went great! On Friday, I will be sending the Class Disclosure home for you to sign and return. Also, Monday is picture day. Make sure that your child brought home a slip today 🙂
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Back to School Night

Back to School Night is almost here! On Monday, August 17th, Back to School Night kicks off at 5:30 (for last names beginning with A-L) and 6:30 for those last names from M-Z. You are more than welcome to bring your school supplies and drop them off at your desk. It’s going to be a great night! Don’t forget that the first day of school is on Wednesday, August 19th 🙂
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Camp Google

Check out https://camp.withgoogle.com/. This is an amazing site! Wish I knew about it sooner 🙂
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Summer Reading Lists

I hope everyone is having a great summer! I am attaching some summer reading lists for my students who are going into 3rd grade this year as well as my new students who will be in 2nd grade. Keep reading and send me a message about what books you really enjoyed reading this summer. Students entering 2nd-grade-Reading-List-attachment Summer reading list for students going into 3rd grade
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To my new class:

I am so excited to have you in my class! We are going to have an adventure-filled year with lots of exciting things to do and learn. I hope that you have a fantastic summer and do lots of fun things that you can tell me about when school resumes. Keep reading and I will see you in August 🙂 You may leave a comment-I would love to hear from you over the summer!
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To my 2014-2015 Class:

I wanted to write a short note to you telling you how much I have enjoyed teaching you. Usually it’s the teachers who teach the students but this year I learned a lot from each of you. I learned how to be patient when things are in chaos around me. I learned that team work makes each of us learn more than if we learned it by ourselves. But most of all, I learned that sometimes you just have to stop and sing the Duck Song. I hope that you have a great 3rd grade year and I will always be available to give you a hug when you need it. Remember that you can do anything and be anything. Set your goals high and remember “Can’t never could do anything”. SAM_0571
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Building a freestanding tower out of pipe cleaners

The challenge today was to build a freestanding building out of pipe cleaners.  They had to learn to use teamwork and building constraints in the project.  At first they realized that they had to get each team member’s help in coming up with a design.  They started building and realized that they had to rethink their original plan several time.  As time went on, they were limited to using only 1 hand each (this represented  a budget cut) and not being able to talk (this represented working in a country where they couldn’t talk to their workers).  After many failures, we did get some tall buildings!  Way to go engineers!

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