ABC Days for May 26-May 28, 2015

Tuesday, May 26- X tea Nice Day.  We will do something nice for another class.
Wednesday, May 27-You are special day!  Tell about something that makes you special.  We will also share reasons why we think out classmates are special.
Thursday, May 28-zip up your backpacks and Zoom home Day!
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Field Day

Please read the following newsletter about Field Day.

Jump Into A Good Book!

Field Day – May 28th

Kindergarten – 5th


The end of the school year is almost here! The last day of school will be our field day. Kindergarten will be having their own activities. 1st-5th graders will be rotating through activities based on their favorite books. It is a free dress down day. We are asking that, if possible, students wear the following color shirts (they don’t have to be solid or any particular shade).

1st – red

2nd – purple

3rd – yellow

4th – white

5th – blue

Hats will be allowed. Shoes must be closed toed and closed heel. Please put sunscreen on your child as they will be outside most of the day if the weather permits. Water stations will be set up to keep students hydrated. Please provide a sack lunch, labeled with your child’s name, that doesn’t need to be heated as microwaves will not be available.

School will get out at 1:00.


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Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Program (BN.COM)

Dear Reader,

A book is a magical thing.  Once you open one up and start to read, you can find yourself transported to any place in the world, any time in history, or any realm of fantasy an author can invent or your imagination can envision.  The best part is that you can  reach the most exciting destinations without ever leaving home.

The Barnes & Noble Summer Reading program is here to help you on your way, encouraging you to read books of your own choosing and earn a FREE book, simply by following theses 3 easy steps:

       1. Read any eight (8) books this summer and record them in this Imagination’s Destination Journal.  Be sure to let us know to whom you would recommend each book, and why.
       2. Bring your completed journal to a Barnes & Noble store between May 19th and September 7, 2015.
       3.  Chose your FREE reading adventure from the book list  featured on the back of the journal.

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ABC Countdown for 05/18-05/22

Monday, May 18-S Day-Science Experiments!  Get ready for some science fun!
Tuesday, May 19-T Day-Thankful Day.  We will write a letter to the 1st graders why we were thankful form 2nd grade.
Wednesday, May 20-U Day-USA Day.  Students with a last name A-H wear red shirts, I-P wear White shirts, and Q-Z wear blue shirts.
Thursday, May 21-V Day-Video Day.  We will watch a video.
Friday, May 22-W Day-Wild about learning Day.  Bring a fun fact to share about your favorite “Wild” animal.
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Power Point Presentations for Monday, May 11th

Our 2nd group of Power Point Presenters will do their presentations on Monday, May 11th at 2:15pm.  The presenters will be:    Samantha

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ABC Countdown for May 11-May 15, 2015

05/11/2015  N-Nice Note Day.  Students will write a note to someone who has done something nice for them.
05/12/2015 O-Outside Lesson (Weather Permitting)
05/13/2015  P-Picture Day.  Please bring a BABY picture of yourself, with your name on the back.  Don’t show your picture to anyone because we will have a contest in class on who can guess the most pictures correctly.
05/14/2015 Q-Quickest Day.  We will have class Olympics Outside.
05/15/2015 R-Read a thon Day.  Bring a book and get ready to read.
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Talent Show

Calling all Students!

We are in need of your talent. A talent show will be held on Wednesday, May 27th.

Kindergarten through second grade will perform between 8:45-9:15 in Q2.
Third through fifth grade will perform between 9:30-10:00 in Q2.
Sixth through ninth grade will perform between 10:15-10:45 6-9 in Q2.

We will randomly select 10 students per show to perform. Performances are limited to two minutes each.
Once performers have been selected, we will hold a “dress rehearsal” to determine if costumes, music, etc. are appropriate for school. This will take place the week before the 27th after school for about 30 minutes.

The link to sign-up for the random drawing is included in this e-mail. To sign-up simply complete the information in the link by May 15th. Students selected will be notified through the e-mail address provided by May 19th.

Please e-mail Michelle Rich at with any questions.

Good Luck! We’re excited to see all the talent at Quest!
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Powerpoint Presentations for Friday, May 8th

Our Powerpoint Presentations will begin on Friday, May 8th at 2:15

The presenters for this day are : Makeila

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Book Fair

Book Fair hours (jr high fair open before and after school and during lunch times):

Mon 5/4 8-330 (both fairs open all day)
Tues 5/5 8-330
Wed 5/6. 8-330
Thurs 5/7 8-330
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Alphabet Countdown

Monday, May 4th—Imagination Day.  We will use our imagination when we write and draw.
Tuesday, May 5th–Jump Rope Day.  Participate in a jump rope challenge.
Wednesday, May 6th–Kickball Day.  We will play kickball with the entire 2nd Grade.
Thursday, May 7th–Laughing Day.  Come prepared to share an appropriate joke with the class.
Friday, May 8th–Marker Day.  We can do all our assignments in marker for the day.
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