Here are some pictures of Game Day!  We had lots of fun 🙂
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Utah Natural History Museum

We will begin our 1 week Dinosaur Unit next week.. If you haven’t been to the Utah Natural History Museum on the University of Utah campus I suggest you go!   They have an amazing collection of dinosaurs, fossils, rocks, and plants from long ago.  You can even “Walk” over an actual excavation site 🙂   This is a great place to learn about rocks (we will due a unit on this in May)
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Our class will be having a Game Day on the afternoon of  Friday, March 13th.  Your child may bring a game (board game) of their choosing to play with their friends.  Please NO video games.  Also, if the game is “special” and means a lot to your child, you may not want to send that one in 🙂
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The Book Fair is Coming!!!

Monday, March 2       8:00-3:30 Both fairs open all day
Tuesday, March 3        8:00-3:30 (Jr. High open before and after school)
Wednesday, March 4  8:00-3:30  (Jr. High open before and after school)
Thursday, March 5      8:00-3:30  (Jr. High before and after school) & 5:00-6:30  (Elementary open during 4th Grade   Wax Museum)
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Counting Money

We are working on learning our coins and counting money. Please let your child count any loose change that you may have at home. Also, ask them to tell you what each coin is worth. Some are having a very hard time telling the difference between a nickel, dime, and quarter. If your child has a math paper marked please correct, they can correct their work on that sheet and return it to me. They will then get the higher grade.
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Seusical Jr

Seusical Jr.
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The end of our Mapping Unit

We have finished our mapping unit. The final challenge was creating an urban, suburban, and rural mural. We had so much fun in this unit! IMG_0850 IMG_0851 IMG_0853
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100 Days of School

Our 100 Days was a huge success! Thank you Mr. DeHorney for keeping us laughing all day! The class enjoyed talking about what they brought in. Ask them what a googol is…you might be surprised. IMG_0821 IMG_0831
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Penguins of Madagascar

On February 2nd, We are showing Penguins of Madagascar at the CinePointe6 theatre on 12th street in Ogden. Shows will start at 6:30pm and 6:45pm! 1$ per person!
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Valentine’s Day boxes

Class lists for Valentines will be going home on Friday. If your child wants to pass out Valentines, please make sure that they have one for each student in the class. Today, shoe boxes will be sent home with each child. Please cover the box with any type of paper you would like to use. Make sure that the lid can still open! Put your child’s name inside the lid (See photo). We will decorate the boxes on Valentine’s Day morning! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. IMG_0801 IMG_0802
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