Valentines Day Party

Our last party of the year will be on February 13th (Friday) from 2:00-3:00. If you would like to help organize the party please let me know and I will put you in contact with other parents who are willing to help.
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End of Term

Good morning! January 16th is the end of the 2nd term. Please bring in any Box Tops, Coke Rewards, Tyson Chicken, and Labels for Education before that day.
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New Spelling Groups

Please make sure you check the Spelling Groups on the “Homework Assignments” page. The groups have been updated based on the spelling assessment the class took before Christmas break.
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The only homework for this week will be reading and practicing your math facts 🙂
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Christmas Party Details

Our class Christmas Party will be on December 19th from 10:00-11:00. I have attached the party details. If you would like to help with an event that stills needs a volunteer, please contact Lorinda Rodriguez at (256) 738-0109 or Christmas Party
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2nd Grade Baskets

Please think about voting for our 2nd Grade baskets! 1 vote=$1.00!! IMG_0655
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Football Turkeys

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Jackets and Coats

Just a reminder that it is getting cold outside. Your child needs to have a jacket everyday so that they don’t freeze, or get sick, when they are outside.
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Book Fair

Book Fair Hours Monday 11/17-Thursday 11/20 Mon-Wed 8 am – 330 pm Thurs 8 am – 630 pm (SEP night) Shop online Nov 12 – Dec 2 at our online fair! Orders ship free directly to the school. Elementary online fair Jr. high online fair
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Grand Lunch

GRAND LUNCH- kids love to show off their school to adults (friends and family) Please don’t let them miss out on this great opportunity! The Book Fair Committee will be hosting a “Grand Lunch” for students during the book fair (November 17 & 18). Students may invite someone “Grand” (a grandparent, aunt, uncle, parent or special adult) to eat lunch with them during their school lunch period. Attendees will have special reserved seating with their student. We also invite you to peruse the Book Fair for holiday gifts at that time if you wish! Grand adults are to bring their own lunch and may also bring a special lunch for their student if they wish (Happy Meal, anyone?). Be sure to cancel school lunch that day if necessary. Adults may reserve more than one spot (if you wish to attend with more than one student), but please sign up for each time slot you wish to attend so we may accommodate you. To sign up for your time slot(s), please follow this link . From there, choose your student’s grade/lunch time. Monday 11/17 is for student’s with last name A-M & Tuesday 11/18 is for N-Z. Enter your information and confirm (include student’s full name/teacher/grade in the comments section). Please look closely at the grade on the sign up sheet since they are not in order. Please RSVP no later than Friday, November 7 to ensure your spot.
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