Stem Game Club

Please read the attached if you are interested in having your child participate.

STEM Game Madness permission
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Parent Conference Sign Up

sign up here for conferences
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Dress Down on Friday, October 27

The can food drive is under way. We would love for the this to be even more successful than last year’s drive of 11,000 cans. To help our school to reach our goal of 15,000+ cans we will have two dress down days designated to the can food drive, this Friday 27th and Friday Nov 3rd. In order for students to dress down they need to bring 5 cans of food to their classroom. POQA will not be collecting any dollars these days. We also will not be around collecting the cans. The cans from dress down will be added to the cans already being collected in your classroom/grade and will go towards your classroom/grade goal. We will be sending out a onecall informing parents that no dollars will be collected and to please only bring food. 
Thank You!
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Ice Cream Sundae Challenge

Just a reminder that the last day to turn in Reading Logs is on Monday, October 30th.  If your child has not turned any reading logs on, he/she will not be able to have ice cream.  Ket’s get those Reading Logs in!

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Canned Food Drive

We are kicking off the week with our canned food drive! We’ve partnered with Besst Reality to help fill the local foodbank shelves. Our goal is to collect 15,000 cans of food. Please remember to only donate cans. Grades that collect the most cans will have a doughnut party sponsored by Besst Reality. Also, when the school goal is reached, Quest administrators will become human ice cream sundaes—ice cream, syrup, whip cream, and toppings will be dumped on their heads and faces. We can hardly wait!

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No Homework this week

Because it is a short week, there will not be any homework.  Please have your child continue reading and logging his minutes on his Reading Log!
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September STEM
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Quest Night at the Maze

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Reading logs

Don’t forget to print off and bring in your reading logs on Monday!
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Brain Breaks

Brain Breaks are important in class!  Just watch them dance!
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