Friday, December 8 Happenings!!

Just wanted to remind everyone that this Friday’s dress down dollar will go to helping families in need of a Christmas. (It will help all the names on Quest’s Christmas tree.) Students who are not in uniform, and do not bring their dollar, will be asked to change… we’ve kind of had a recurring issue with this… so I just wanted to send out a warning. 
Now on to better things… tomorrow is also our earned stuffed animal day! (And we’ll do our extra project!) Rules are: Animals MUST comfortably fit in the backpack; no talking, singing, lighting up, or other disruptive behaviors; and can sit on the desk quietly while we work. They are NOT to go outside and I am not responsible for lost or broken friends, so don’t bring the one that can never be replaced! ; ) Your kids have been really good during this crazy Christmas season… I just love them to pieces!! We should have a fun day!!

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