Weekly Reminders

yellow flower1- FRIDAY:  Early Out 1:30pm
   Homework due
 *Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants)

2– Mommy & Son Neon Night Dance Party Friday, April 27. Click here to order tickets: POQA Online Store

Upcoming (mark your calendars):

May 18: Field trip to Hill Aerospace Museum
May 18: School Carnival and Food Truck Event
May 21: 1st Grade Program for school
May 22: 1st Grade Patriotic Program for parents at 5pm. 
May 24: Early Out
May 25: Last day of school (early out)


The kids have been excited about a few programs that were introduced to them this week. Feel free to check your emails for Imagine Learning information from Mrs. Hills. Also, here is the students IXL Math passwords. They should be able to login by going to: Quest’s website (questac.org), find student links , scroll down and click IXL. Click the link below for your child’s username and password. They are more then welcome to practice any problems under the first grade math tab.  

Screen Shot 2018-04-18 at 5.16.01 PMIXL PASSWORDS

Turning in Homework


For homework, like usual, we will send it out on Monday and ask that you please have your child turn it in on Friday (April 20th).  We had homework turned in today for last week, and we don’t want you to worry about it over a weekend. We want you to spend time with your families and enjoy being together. Please turn in all homework on Fridays.


Spring Pictures

school-picturesSpring pictures will be taken on Tuesday, April 17th. Thus, uniforms are not required on this day. Please note that students should still follow dress down day guidelines by wearing appropriate attire. All students, unless you indicated otherwise, will have their picture taken. A picture packet will be sent home later for you to review before you purchase.


new teachers

We are so excited to meet you all and finish the year strong together. Mrs. Hills and Mrs. Bischoff have both been teaching in first grade and are excited to get to know your student. It is our desire to keep as much as we can consistent for your child as they are used to a routine. There will be a few minor changes as Mrs. Bischoff will be teaching math and science in the morning and Mrs. Hills will be teaching language arts in the afternoon. We will work closely together to ensure success and continuity in your child’s learning and in the classroom environment. 

A few other minor changes is that we won’t be using Class Dojo and this blog will be our main source of communication. If you have not subscribed to the blog pease do so at your earliest convenience.

If you need to contact us feel free to email us at 

Mrs. Bischoff: qbischoff@questac.org
Mrs. Hills: rhills@questac.org

Spring Pictures

Spring pictures will be taken on Tuesday, April 17th. Thus, uniforms are not required on this day. Please note that students should still follow dress down day guidelines by wearing appropriate attire. All students, unless you indicated otherwise, will have their picture taken. A picture packet will be sent home later for you to review before you purchase.

US Armed Forces Lyrics

The kids need to know these and asked I post the words. To see the motions, go to Mrs. Hills’ blog and scroll down to “Armed Forces Medley”… on the right side of the page. It will link you there. Thanks!!

US Armed Forces Lyrics

 US Army

“Over hill, over dale

We will hit the dusty trail,

And those Caissons go rolling along.

In and out, hear them shout,

Counter marching all about,

And those Caissons go rolling along.

For it’s hi! hi! hee!

In the field artillery,

Count out your numbers loud and strong (2, 3)

And where e’er you go,

You will always know

That those Caissons go rolling along.”


US Marines

“From the Halls of Montezuma

To the Shores of Tripoli;

We will fight our country’s battles

In the air, on land, and sea;

First we fight for right and freedom

And to keep our honor clean;

We are proud to claim the title

of United States Marine.”


US Navy

“Anchors Aweigh, my boys, Anchors Aweigh.

Farewell to college joys, we sail at break of day-day-day-day.

Through our last night on shore, hail to the foam,

Until we meet once more,

Here’s wishing you a happy voyage home!”


US Air Force

“Off we go into the wild blue yonder,

Climbing high into the sun;

Here they come zooming to meet our thunder,

At ’em boys, Give ‘er the gun!

Down we dive, spouting our flame from under,

Off with one terrible roar!

We live in fame or go down in flame.

For nothing can stop the U.S. Air Force!”


US Coast Guard

We’re always ready for the call

We place our trust in thee

Through howling gale and shot and shell

To win our victory

Semper Paratus is our Guide

Our Pledge, our motto too

We’re always ready do or die

Aye! Coast Guard, we fight for you!