Week of Oct. 23

I’m sorry this is coming in late… the website would not come up for me earlier. It’s working fine now (of course). 

There is no student of the week and no birthdays. 

We are starting Quarter 2 … it’s always fun to have a fresh slate. We’ll be starting all new Class Dojo points… and some new rewards to go with them. 

In Math, we are starting addition to 20. I’ve sent home number lines and vocabulary cards for students to practice with. Remember that the math homework is from what we studied the week before. We want to keep reviewing. But also keep an eye on what comes home to see if they need to practice anything. 

In Language Arts, we will be learning r controlled phonograms, contractions with ‘s, plural nouns that end in -es, and practicing the short /u/ sound in our spelling words. We will continue to build our stamina in writing and finishing up our last few letters in handwriting. We have so much to learn and the kids are doing awesome. 

In STEM, we will see how we can improve our slime experiments. Some were very successful, while others… not so much…. LOL! Our class goal is to not talk at inappropriate times… AND we want to have some more fun with the Halloween holiday, so I might have a project or 2 for everyone if they can reach that class goal! ; )


Food-Drive-Box-of-Canned-GoodsOur class has decided to set some goals for our food drive. Here they are:

200 cans– bring a stuffed animal day
250 cans– an extra art project
300 cans– an afternoon “Read In”
301+ cans– Pizza Party

We’re at 131 cans as of Friday, Oct. 27! Thanks for all your support… we’re excited to help the hungry!!

We are collecting food for those less fortunate. 1 in 5 kids in Utah goes hungry everyday. That’s just devastating to think about!!  Please send as much as you can. (Cans only.) I believe we will be collecting for the next 2 weeks. There are also rewards for the grade and class that collects the most… so of course, we’re up for that!! We want to help all those families… thanks for your support!!

Week of October 16

This week is a short week for UEA/Fall Break. The quarter ends Wednesday, Oct. 18 and is a short day. Monday and Tuesday we will be reviewing and testing. PLEASE HAVE YOUR CHILD HERE ON TUESDAY AS WE WILL BE DOING UNIT TESTS THAT DAY!! We will also be doing some fun things for the season and having an in school field trip Wednesday morning. The Ogden Nature Center is coming and it should be a lot of fun!!

Volunteer Opportunity: Please let me know if you wish to help out at the Halloween Party. I need about 6-8 parents and already have a couple. It will be the 31st from 11:30- 1:30. We will have a treat, craft, and games that day. Thanks for all your help!!

Week of Oct. 9

Student of the Week- Sharly

This week we will be learning the phonograms: /ed/, /ea/, and /ar/
We will learn about commas in a list, predicting when we read, and start Writer’s Workshop. 

In Math, we will look for  the similarities between addition and subtraction… determining if counting on or counting back along a number path is easier. We will continue to tackle subtraction word problems as well. 

In STEM, we are starting a project on making slime… the kids are loving this one! 

Please remember that next week ends the quarter. Wednesday is a short day and Thurs/Friday is Fall Break… no school!

Week of Oct. 2

Student of the Week- Lizzie

We get to start our week off with some fun… Crazy Sock day and an Ice Cream Party!! These kids (and their families) worked hard… Thanks!

In Language Arts, we continue to study nouns (starting possessive nouns), blending and segmenting phonemes, ABC order, and writing good sentences. This week we will work on some personal narrative sentences as well. 

In Math, we have an assessment Wednesday on subtraction. We are working on related facts and different strategies for subtraction. We’re doing some harder math in class, but keeping homework simple. So if you see Math come home and it has a “P” for practice, please try to work a little in during Homework time. 

We will also be finishing up Astronomy in Science and starting some fun new things in STEM. It should be a fun and exciting week!!

Ice Cream Sundae Party

I was told that because my Yearly Permission Slip covers all parties, I don’t need to do another permission slip. However, I wanted to let you know what food will be there just to be sure, so here is a list:

Vanilla Ice Cream
Hershey Chocolate Sryup
Hershey Caramel Sryup
Mini Marshmallows
Chocolate Chips
Whipped Cream 

Let me know if there are any problems… all the details are below on my last post. = )

Week of Sept. 25

Student of the Week:  Lauren                      Birthday:   Isabella

This week we will be learning about nouns, ending punctuation, ABC order, and opinion writing in Language Arts. In math, we will study equal equations and start subtraction. We’ll continue studying the Solar System and finish up our STEM project… so much to do!! Please continue working on handwriting and spelling as these are areas many struggle. 

We will have our Ice Cream Party/Silly Sock Day next Monday!! I’ll get the permission slip up on the blog and send out a text Monday… I have to get another teacher to help still! (LOL … I’m working on it! ) Depending on the weather, the kids can wear skirts/shorts to show off their socks or roll up their pants once they get to school. Funny, mismatched, or crazy socks will all work! Thanks for all your hard work helping us to reach our goal!!

Yay… a normal week! LOL!!

I love having short weeks, field trips, and fund raisers… but sometimes, I just need a few “normal” weeks to get things in place. That is what I’m hoping for this week. We have finally started STEM lab, Library, STEM projects, and Science. This week we add Centers. So much is happening in first grade! And we get cooler weather on top of it! So…

1. Please remember that sweaters may not have hoods and must be uniform colors to wear in class. PLEASE LABEL THEM!! The kids are starting to need them. 

2. I have high academic expectations (especially on handwriting… you can’t communicate by writing if no one can read it!) and the kids are doing great! If you see “Practice” (soon to just be a capital P), please do some review at home. Also look for comments… I write them to help you and the students know what is good or needs improvement. Also, encourage the kids to ask if they need help.

3. Remind them that school is A LOT more fun if the class is listening and following directions. This gives us that time to do some of the “extras” in class. There’s been some talking issues and repeating directions over and over takes our time up. I tell them that they “drain my energy” when they don’t let me teach. They are working on “filling my energy” so I can fill their’s. Most of the time they are WONDERFUL… but we’ve been losing some recess minutes, so I mention it. It never hurts to have some backup!! 

I am having such a good year …with great students … supportive parents! It is awesome!! Talk to you next week… check out the homework page.

BTW… if you have Zoo FT pictures, please email them to me and I’ll figure out how to get them up for everyone to see.

Reminders for the Field Trip

A few things to remember:

 Wear school uniform with RED shirt, sunscreen and good walking shoes! Please dress for the weather. Kids will need to wear their badges and be super careful not to lose them!!

Do not send money for food or stores as students will not be allowed to purchase anything.

Bring a cold sack lunch from home in a disposable bag with your child’s name including a drink. Everything must be completely disposable. There will be no microwaves available.

Be on time. Arrive at school by 8:30am. Bus departs at 8:45am. We will leave the zoo around 1:15pm, returning to Quest around 2:00 – 2:15pm. (This is a change from the original announcement.)


Parent chaperones: Please bring a backpack or bag to carry the lunches of the students in your group… and a lunch for yourself. You may eat whenever your group gets hungry. Please arrive and meet in our room at 8:15am to go over last minute instructions and get a copy of the Zoo Groups. Please be prepared to pay for any extra children you bring. For those driving, plan on meeting us at the zoo at 9:30-9:45am. The zoo address is 2600 E. Sunnyside Avenue, Salt Lake, UT, 84108. We will need to be back at our buses by 1:05!!

When you get to the zoo, you will need to come in with us so you are paid for. We will take some pictures first and then get everyone into groups. Be prepared for a little chaos.

 Please do not buy food for the kids. It is against our Wellness policy. Do not buy tickets for extras like the train or merry-go-round. The kids are there to learn about animals and their habitats and we don’t ask Chaperones to pay for such things. Thanks for all your help!!