First off, Thank you so much for all the support getting this up and running. It has been a huge learning curve for all of us.
Secondly, I cant emphasis enough the importance of keeping your kids learning through all of this. The students have made such huge progress so far this year and I dont want them to lose that knowledge going forward. I want to keep preparing them for 5th grade. Having said that, please make sure that your kids are getting on the blog everyday so they know what we are working on each day as a class. They were all given their logins that they need to do this from home. I also post each days learning under the digital school tab.
Please make sure they are completing the checklist each day to the best that they can. The students know how to accomplish all the things on the checklist so it shouldn’t be new to them.
So here are some reminders of things that need to be done daily:
1. math checklists
2. 30 min in iReading and 30 min in iMath Weekly
(so minimum of 10 min/three days a week on each)
3. ELA work on wonders
4. Science work
5. Daily Exit tickets in google classroom.
I think it has been so great to let the kids interact with one another on ZOOM. They really seem to enjoy it. So I hope they continue to log on. Just so you know, however, they are not required to log in and be on during the entire time from 900am-100pm. Whole group is at 900am and that is beneficial for them to be on. But then it changes to tutoring from 1000-1130 in math and ela. This is a time for them to be working on their own or log in and get my help, if needed. Then we have put a built in lunch break from 1130-1230. Our fun activity is optional and will be at 1230pm. So you as the parent can decide when you want them to be online with us. I will be posting videos of current teaching, incase they miss a session as well.
Thank you for all your help and support through this. Any concerns please email or message me on BLOOMZ.
Onto another fun week of digital school learning!!!!
Mrs Peay