Thank you for being so supportive. I absolutely adore and miss having your kids in the classroom. Please let them know they are truly missed.
With the new information from the state of a soft closure until May 1st(as of now), I am needing to get the students their supplies from their desks. I have put together a bag to go home for your students that will have math workbooks, Math checklists for the rest of the year, ELA workbooks, headphones if they were in their desks and their coding code so they can begin to get on with Ms Fisher for coding once a week. I will also have a letter from me and a calendar so you can see my teaching schedule laid out, incase there is ever a question about all the stuff coming home and when they will be getting to certain things.
Also if they have any library books at home please bring them on Friday to return. I have a list of books that have been checked out and i will be individually contacting you if their book was taken home.
I know this has been a trying time for all of us, but I am doing my best to accommodate everyones needs. If you find that your child needs extra help outside of tutoring times please email me (know that bloomz has a huge delay if you message me there) and I will set up a one on one with them for that help. I am available from 800am-400pm everyday and some evenings if needed. Communication will be key in having digital school be successful. I am here for you and your child every step of the way.
Here is the packet pick up schedule that admin has set up for Friday march 27th.
Quest Families,
As school will remain in dismissal until May 1st (as of now), teachers have prepared additional materials that can be picked up this Friday. Please note that this is for Kindergarten through 5th grade only. Teachers will contact you to let you know if materials will need to be picked up (some teachers are opting to do things electronically). Sixth grade will also have materials for students, but they won’t be handed out until Monday, April 6th (after Spring break).
Pick up times are listed below. Please notice there are three different options, each lasting 2 hours. Rather than parking cars and walking to designated tables, parents will acquire their student’s materials by driving to tables by way of assigned lanes, which are alphabetized by student last name (see video and picture).
Pick up times:
Friday: 7:30am to 9:30am; 11:30am to 1:30pm; 3:30pm to 5:30pm
See attached picture and then click here to watch the video.
Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 11.35.55 AM.png
Again any questions or concerns please contact me.
Thanks so much
Mrs Peay