Monthly Archives: August 2021

Quick Reminder for Class Supply donations

If you are still wanting to donate to classroom supplies. The Office will still be accepting the $25 donations. You can pay those at the office or online on the quest website by clicking on Online Payments put it under the “other” category and type Mrs Peays supplies. Thank you to all who have donated already. It is greatly appreciated. This helps my class with STEM projects and field trips.

First Day of School pick up

These first days of school have been so good. The students are fantastic. I think this year is going to be fantastic.

A few reminders:

Please make sure that your students know where to meet you after school. There is still a little bit of confusion. Also if you 4th grader has to pick up a younger sibling they have to pick them up outside the school doors that their class exits through. All teachers walk their classes out certain doors to meet siblings outside. Let them know that if it is a 2nd or 3rd grader they come out the main doors, if it is 1st and 2nd or Kinder, they will come out the far east doors between the two buildings. They cannot go through the school to pick them up.

Thanks everyone.

Yay! First day of school is here!!! (Wed. Aug 18th)

I was thrilled to see so many of you at Back to School Night. I am even more excited to get this school started after meeting all of you. It is going to be a great year. If you did not make it or need to rewatch the powerpoint. Here is the link. BACK TO SCHOOL INFO.


Dont forget to subscribe to my blog, sign the class disclosures, sign up for BLOOMZ, and fill out the student survey. All of this is under the Parent Info tab.

Bring headphones and a pencil box, home lunch if needed, and a water bottle to school with you on Wednesday morning.

You are more than welcome to come right to class on Wed morning. On Thursday and Friday you will go out to the playground until i come and pick up students.

Remember all three days are short days this week.