WELCOM BACK!!! Hope you all had a fun filled break and could get outside and enjoy the great weather. I know I definitely slept in and played outside with my kids a lot. I am now ready to kick it into gear for the end of the year! Sad but so exciting showing off what your kids have accomplished this year.

FYI, we will be starting Benchmark testing this week coming 4/11 to prepare us for end of year testing. These are practice tests to get the students used to seeing the testing platform and calm test anxiety before the actual Summative End of Year RISE tests that we will take starting in May. I know your kiddos have worked so hard this year, I am confident they will be great. So from here until the end of the year please try to have your students in class each day. We will be reviewing and going over everything from the year. I want them to be confident going into testing and dont want them to miss something they may need to review.

I have a parent bringing spring treats to class this week. In order for your student to have one I need your permission. Please fill out the following form ASAP. TREAT FORM

For your calendars: All of our 4th grade students will be doing our 4th grade “UTAH” program on Thursday April 28th in the evening (630pm) for their parents and families. We have been practicing in class and we encourage all of our students to participate in this fun program that night. We understand there are other activities in the evenings, so please let me know ASAP if your student can’t be there that night for our program so we can make adjustments if necessary. Any questions please let me know.

Thanks Mrs Peay

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