Daily Archives: September 27, 2022

4 lucky chaperones for THIS IS THE PLACE FIELD TRIP

I have drawn four names for our Field trip on Thursday Oct 6th. If your name is drawn and you cant make it any more please let me know ASAP.
I have drawn:

  1. Nikki Dille

2. Mike Hicks.

3. Justin Hadley

4. Kourtney Becraft.

Reminder you will need to pay the chaperone fee of $7 to the office. You will be riding the bus with us that morning at 830am so please no younger kids, we just dont have the room. Also you will be put in charge of a group of students to be in charge of the entire field trip. Thanks for your willingness to help out.
Any questions or problem please let me know.

ThanksMrs Peay