Monthly Archives: March 2023


Important Dates:

  • March 24th – last day to order yearbooks
  • March 29th – 4th Grade Utah History Program 6:00pm Q1 gym. If your child has a part, please practice this at home. It would be fabulous if it was memorized.
  • March 31 – Dollar Dress Down Day
  • March 31-April 1 – Q2 School Play-Legally Blonde
  • April 3rd-7th – SPRING BREAK!!!
  • April 12 – 4th grade Clark Planetarium Field Trip
  • April 28th – Dollar Dress Down

How To Eat Fried Worms Party

For those students that finished our book club book and test, they are invited to our party this Friday March 10th. We will be watching the movie “How to Eat Fried Worms” rated PG and having “wormy” treats. Please fill out the attached form to give them permission to attend and have treats. If they have not finished the book they have until Thursday to do so.


Utah 4th grade program


We are having a Utah Program at Quest (Q1) Academy. All of the 4th grade students will be singing different Utah songs for you. Best dress (what you would wear to a wedding or church) or school uniform please. Along with singing, 9 students from our room will have speaking parts. Students will sign-up for these and we will randomly pick out names. These parts need to be memorized. The parts have about three sentences in them. Also 7 students will hold county signs. After they are picked, parents will be notified to verify they will be in attendance.
We are excited to entertain you all! Invite everyone you know to come-no limit! All of the 4th grade kids have created something to show you about our beautiful state. They will be displayed afterwards in our class.