Monthly Archives: May 2023

Last Few Days of Summer

Tomorrow, May 24 is field day. It is a free dress down day. The kids must still have their shoulders covered and modest length shorts. No flip flops/sandals are allowed and socks must still be worn. We will be playing in BOUNCE HOUSES and playing LASER TAG, no skirts/dresses. THANK YOU TO ALL THE FAMILIES THAT DONATED TO MAKE THIS POSSIBLE! Put sunscreen on the kids before they come or send a small bottle with them. We will be in the sun for about an hour. Make sure they have a water bottle this last week of school-it is hot.

Just as a heads up I will not be at school on Wed. I will be there in the morning until about 830am. I will have a sub.- Mrs Kearns for the rest of the day. My daughter has her last dance thing that day. I will be back on Thursday and Friday.

***Please make sure your child has brought back all their books/paid the replacement fee***

School lunch on Wed. will be a picnic sack lunch in our classroom. Please make sure to ask your student if they signed up to bring home lunch. Also, School lets out at 3:20pm.

If you are wanting to help out with Field Day, you are more than welcome to attend. We start at 1115-300pm. There will be plenty of things to help with during that time. Crowd control, helping with games, helping with snacks. You will rotate with my class and be with your student for all activities.

Thursday, May 25, is the school’s talent show. You are welcome to come watch 4th and 5th perform at about 10:00am. We will also be watching the movie “BFG” this day. Your student can bring blankets and pillows. They may bring a snack to eat (not share) also.THIS IS NOT A DRESS DOWN DAY. DONT FORGET –THIS DAY IS A SHORT DAY.

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Friday MAY 26TH, EARLY OUT at 1:20. IT IS A FREE DRESS DOWN DAY. Yearbook signing will be in the morning. My son has high school graduation at 800am this morning but I will be back around 1100am to close out the year with my kiddos.

Talent Show sign up

Quest Families,

 Quest’s annual talent show will be held on Thursday, May 25th. Kindergarten and 1st grade will perform at 8:40am, 2nd and 3rd grade will perform at 9:15am, and 4th and 5th will perform at 9:50am. Students in the PM Kindergarten class will perform in the afternoon for their classmates (watch for an email from Ms. Monique). There are limited spots per grade level, so sign up quickly. Students will be selected on a first come, first served basis, and talents should be limited to 3 minutes or less. An email will be sent out if your child has been selected to participate in the talent show. Click here to sign up. Thanks.

Quest Administration


This will be the last permission slip I need filled out for the year. I have put all of the permissions for the year into one form to make it easy for you. Your student will need permission to: 1.make s’mores for our solar ovens, 2. donuts for our IXL day, 3. possibly? sno-cones and cotton candy, and 4. Field Trip permission to go to the State Capital on the bus on Tues. May 16th.

I will only need 3 chaperones for this day. You will need to ride the bus with our class and have a group of students. Please let me know if you are available. Also please mark if they will need a school sack lunch or home lunch. Thanks you for all you do. 

Mrs Peay

END of YEAR Permissions