- March 10– Daylight Savings Begins
- March 15– Spring Pictures – see flyer
- March 15– Daddy/Daughter Dance 6-8 pm see flyer
- March 15– 3rd Term Ends
- March 17– St. Patrick’s Day
- March 22– Mother/Son Dance 6-8 pm see flyer
- March 28– Field trip Clark Planetarium 8:00-2:45pm
- March 29– $1 Dress Down Day
- March 29– Yearbook Sales Deadline
- March 31– Easter Sunday
- April 1-5– Spring Break- NO SCHOOL
Friday, March 15 will be our Spring Picture Day. Students will be allowed to wear the clothing of their choice for photos, so this will be a free dress down day for all students.
Please see the attached flier for information on ordering a photo package.
**Please note that Lifetouch will be photographing only those students who have prepaid for a photo package. **
Fourth Grade Field Trip to Clark Planetarium Thursday, March 28th, 2024
Please fill out this google form to give your student permission
Please pay the Quest Q1 office the following donation: (this donation just helps offset fees)
Adult chaperones: $8 *if chosen as a class chaperone.
Student planetarium: $3
FIELD DAY FUN: $2 *While you are paying these fees, please pay the field day donation too.
I will be lottery choosing 6 chaperones for the Field Trip. Please indicate on teh google form if interested.
We will be using the Frontrunner. Students will need to be dropped off and picked up at the Roy station by their guardians. There will NOT be transportation from Quest to or from the train station.
DROP OFF: Students should plan to arrive at the station no later than 8:00 AM. THE TRAIN will pull out at 8:15am THERE WILL NOT BE A TEACHER AT THE STATION BEFORE 7:45am TO TEND ANY CHILD.
PICK UP: We will arrive back at the Roy station at 2:45PM. STUDENTS MUST BE PICKED UP BETWEEN 2:45-3:00 pm.
Please indicate on the google form if your stufent will be needing a school lunch or home lunch. If you didn’t order a sack lunch from the school, send your child with a lunch that day that doesn’t need to be refrigerated. They will carry their own lunches. If they did order school lunch, it will be given to them that morning.
Send your child with a small jacket, bags/backpack to carry their lunches and a water bottle. No electronic devices (games/phones) are allowed on the field trip. They may bring something small to play with on the Frontrunner. For example, a deck of cards, small pack of crayons/notebook, or a figurine/fidget toy. Nothing that will bounce away from them or cause a mess. No gum. Apply sunscreen beforehand and send some if your child may need more. We will be eating lunch outside.
Email your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
Fourth Grade Teachers